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Over dosing with E.I

ceg4048 said:
Wait a few weeks. Looks like you've made the right adjustments.



I am doing nothing different now when compared with two weeks ago - as per previous article.

JamesM said:
You're up'ing your dosing aren't you? You wont see instant results - nothing good ever happens quickly in a planted tank 😉


I am doing nothing different - the only things I have done is checks and reported my findings. Picy attached - taken tonight. I have shorten one of the water intake pipes (right hand side).


I did my usually water change this morning and for the first time tiny bubbles have remained on the HC all day - picy attached.



hi paul,
i think your plants look really healthy.what are the crypts front left :?:
Paul, you've confused me. Your original enquiry was about over dosing EI, which is not a problem at all.

There's no way you should be dosing 25ml of EasyCarbo daily. 2-4ml daily per 50 litres is more than enough ime for a tank more heavily planted than your own.

You wont see any instant results from tweaking anything, so be patient and monitor your plants. In two or so weeks if things are the same, try increasing dosing and co2 and wait another two or so weeks. If co2 can't be increased, lower your lighting and adjust flow to get co2 and ferts around the tank for efficiently. If that fails, put the tank and equipment on eBay.
JamesM said:
Paul, you've confused me. Your original enquiry was about over dosing EI, which is not a problem at all.

Thx for the clarification - that over dosing is not a problem

There's no way you should be dosing 25ml of EasyCarbo daily. 2-4ml daily per 50 litres is more than enough ime for a tank more heavily planted than your own.

So this is over dosing and through doing this i have not seen any significant increases / decreases in plant structure
As stated by Clive - Carbon uptake controls the plants mass. Light controls the speed at which that mass accrues. From the photos it appears you have more of a mass problem than a speed problem, therefore I believe your problem is a carbon limitation.
so by adding additional easy carbo should help or easy carbo is not the product to use

You wont see any instant results from tweaking anything, so be patient and monitor your plants.
I don't expect to see an over night transformation in plant growth
In two or so weeks if things are the same
This why I asked the question about over dosing with EI as I was thinking there was something missing with the amount of ferts been added as the HC had significantly deteriorated within the space of 1 week as can be seen from the pic's attached in the earlier part of this thread
, try increasing dosing and co2 and wait another two or so weeks.
I have already stated that the Co2 levels are at their maximum - indicator colouration is greenie yellow
If co2 can't be increased, lower your lighting
by reducing my light levels coulds have an effect on other plants within the tank - I have bought low to semi medium light loving plants as i cannot grow medium/ high and high light loving plants
and adjust flow to get co2 and ferts around the tank for efficiently
this might be the issue now - "flow" as i have found out that my eheim 2080 only has a flow rate of 750lph approx, not enough water circulation with my tank
. If that fails, put the tank and equipment on eBay.
Is the last statement stating the all my enquiries and myself are not welcome on this forum anymore, please advise
that last statement doe's sound a bit harsh :? .i kind of hope it was in jest.i've learnt a lot from your questions and the answers you've got.
Paul, my last comment was light hearted as we've all had these problems and I'm pretty sure more than a few people have considered giving in and selling everything. Patience is what's needed.

25ml of EasyCarbo is still way too much imo. Co2 itself wont fatten any plants up, it just allows the plant to uptake more nutrients. If the nutrients aren't there, the plants will suffer and starve. Who advised you to add 25ml of EasyCarbo? :shock: