Commiserations for your situation, and I must admit I sometimes feel concerned about a similar scenario living above the Landlords shop (although the floor is concrete), with a 230l tank. There is usually a reason for catastrophic failure and an uneven tank stand surface is one of them, wobbling can also contribute to undue stress to both the tank and stand. I personally think it is worth taking extra time when setting up to ensure the stand is level, even, appropriate, well supported around the bottom (especially larger tanks) and completely free of any debris whatsoever between the tank and stand surface, (the Juwel Lido I had did not even sit on a mat).
Although this is obvious and does not help your plight, I hope it serves as a warning to other's. It makes me cringe when I see posts (on this forum also), where folks are advised that an uneven surface should be OK with the use of a mat etc. The cost of failure for both the inside and outside of the tank can be relatively astronomic and is not worth it.
Having said all this, there are videos and stories of tank failure out there, but for all the aquariums there must be in use worldwide today it is exceptionally uncommon.
Good luck for the future!