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Operation Dorito

I don't think the cleanator would be that harsh on the silicone anyway even though its steel wool. Do you have any other pets that could have been tearing away at the silicon? (first animals that come to mind are birds and cats)
Maybe it was just a week bond from the factory.
I don't think the cleanator would be that harsh on the silicone anyway even though its steel wool. Do you have any other pets that could have been tearing away at the silicon? (first animals that come to mind are birds and cats)
Maybe it was just a week bond from the factory.
No other pets or kids, only I take care with the tank, and I'm very careful each time. No idea why it failed now, and not when I filled it up 3.5 months ago.

The only other thing I can think of it that the frame/stand isn't great and if pushed from the side it would wobble, so maybe wobbling and possibly sitting uneven in that corner lead to failure.

So sorry to see this...It was looking fantastic. This is my least favorite worst nightmare. Good luck recovering!

Thanks, I'm so gutted, maybe small tanks from now on, or some sort of shallow tank in the future. My time with a 90cm is over, forever 😭
Really sorry this happened to you, it was looking so good, must be gutting
Honestly it's devastating I feel to cry! I was so invested in it especially as I had just done my first complete replant of the rotala last week and the scape was looking amazing.

I'm just happy that none of my fish died, especially my favourite corys, hopefully they will find a good home soon. I spent 2.5 hours catching everyone earlier and took them to my LFS to donate them.
Omg you just witnessed our worst nightmare... awefull.
I wish you all the best with this loss but most important, don't lose your passion because of this. Look how much pleassure it gave you in the past...
so maybe wobbling and possibly sitting uneven in that corner lead to failure.
Commiserations for your situation, and I must admit I sometimes feel concerned about a similar scenario living above the Landlords shop (although the floor is concrete), with a 230l tank. There is usually a reason for catastrophic failure and an uneven tank stand surface is one of them, wobbling can also contribute to undue stress to both the tank and stand. I personally think it is worth taking extra time when setting up to ensure the stand is level, even, appropriate, well supported around the bottom (especially larger tanks) and completely free of any debris whatsoever between the tank and stand surface, (the Juwel Lido I had did not even sit on a mat).
Although this is obvious and does not help your plight, I hope it serves as a warning to other's. It makes me cringe when I see posts (on this forum also), where folks are advised that an uneven surface should be OK with the use of a mat etc. The cost of failure for both the inside and outside of the tank can be relatively astronomic and is not worth it.
Having said all this, there are videos and stories of tank failure out there, but for all the aquariums there must be in use worldwide today it is exceptionally uncommon.
Good luck for the future!
Commiserations for your situation, and I must admit I sometimes feel concerned about a similar scenario living above the Landlords shop (although the floor is concrete), with a 230l tank. There is usually a reason for catastrophic failure and an uneven tank stand surface is one of them, wobbling can also contribute to undue stress to both the tank and stand. I personally think it is worth taking extra time when setting up to ensure the stand is level, even, appropriate, well supported around the bottom (especially larger tanks) and completely free of any debris whatsoever between the tank and stand surface, (the Juwel Lido I had did not even sit on a mat).
Although this is obvious and does not help your plight, I hope it serves as a warning to other's. It makes me cringe when I see posts (on this forum also), where folks are advised that an uneven surface should be OK with the use of a mat etc. The cost of failure for both the inside and outside of the tank can be relatively astronomic and is not worth it.
Having said all this, there are videos and stories of tank failure out there, but for all the aquariums there must be in use worldwide today it is exceptionally uncommon.
Good luck for the future!

That's the only thing I can think of really. I took all the necessary precautions when setting up the tank:
1) I put the stand on a large piece of MDF to create a more level starting point
2) the stand has adjustable feet which were adjusted to get it level

I think it was the fault aqua frame stand, i didn't like how light it was and I didn't like the whole metal frame. If pushed with 1 finger from the side it would definitely move. So maybe I bumped into the tank or the side one too many times which has caused a slight split in the silicone by wobbling.
I'm so sorry to hear that. I also have an Aquasys and this is my biggest worry!

I noticed your tank was stored dry for 2/3 years, correct? I would say that this was the problem. The silicone dried too much and became rigid.

Don't give up! All the best!