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Oliver Knott's Moss Man


15 Feb 2016
Reading Chris Lukhaup (sp?) and Oliver Knott's Dennerle Scapers Guide, I really like this Scape OK produced, and thought I'd share below!

Its probably a bit marmite with the addition of the Moss Man, and I probably would have sniffed at it a bit at some point, but I think it actually does well to showcase OK's expertise, and add a bit of fun to the hobby.

I believe the plants used are HC, Tenellus, and java moss!
Hi all,
Its probably a bit marmite with the addition of the Moss Man, and I probably would have sniffed at it a bit at some point, but I think it actually does well to showcase OK's expertise, and add a bit of fun to the hobby.

I believe the plants used are HC, Tenellus, and java moss!
I like it, but I also think it is a very recently flooded dry start.

Cheers Darrel
It didn’t need the eyes but it is a very nice little scape. Do you have a link to the book?