Got this 30x20x20 off Ryan some time ago (don't know where he got it, maybe he can tell us). Was meant to go on my office desk. My health and safety were asked if it was OK (mistake to ask them) and they said no. Firstly, water, electricity, no no. Secondly, we have a strict no pets policy they said.
Well, I'm still in the same job but only 1 day a week. The other 4 days a week is at a new place and they have the most sane health and safety officer I've ever met. The kind of bloke who says, yeah, you can shift your own desk across the room, no worries. Isn't going to say no because he's scared I'll do my back in then sue the company.
Obviously I'm planning to keep shrimp in there. Might stick some chili rasboras in too, don't know yet. Is a really tiny tank though, only 12 litres. Have had a mini bag of siporax sat in the eheim on my main tank for a month now. It's gone into an aqua 100 hob. Got a 40 light led that used to have on my other nano, that'll be the light for this tank. Also got a tiny heater from a far east ebay seller.
Set it up tonight in an hour. Keeping it very simple. Just lava rock, hairgrass, a bit of H. triparita and mini xmas moss. Wanted to use acicularis but couldn't find any so parvula instead. Apologies as ever for the crap photos. Phone camera but with my skills the DSLR probably wouldn't have been any better. Inspired by a couple of Wen's scapes. Following some of Dincho's advice on shrimp tank setup.
This is the basic scape. Layers of lava rock to create a little cliff with a couple of tongues running off it:

Office setup 2 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
First layer - mosura old sea mud powder (shrimp voodoo juice #1)

Mud powder in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Dividers (cut from document wallet)

Dividers in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Substrate in. ADA AS Amazonia (new kind) at the back, mix of unipac gravel and play sand at the front and sides

1st layer substrate in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Mosura BT-9 in (shrimp voodoo juice #2)

BT-9 in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Rest of substrate - capping the amazonia with sand

Rest of substrate in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Lava rock

Hardscape in by hotweldfire, on Flickr

Parvula in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Moss and hydrocotyle

Mini xmas moss and triparita in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
And running

Done 1 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Also some frogbit in there. Going to lift that front tongue of rock tomorrow to stop it disappearing into the sand. Am also going to have to adjust the position of the filter because there's no flow right now - just churning around in the back right corner. Going to blast it with gas and ferts initially then ease back and go low tech eventually.
Naturally it looks better in the flesh. Could I get advice on how soon I should hack back the hairgrass to encourage growth?
Well, I'm still in the same job but only 1 day a week. The other 4 days a week is at a new place and they have the most sane health and safety officer I've ever met. The kind of bloke who says, yeah, you can shift your own desk across the room, no worries. Isn't going to say no because he's scared I'll do my back in then sue the company.
Obviously I'm planning to keep shrimp in there. Might stick some chili rasboras in too, don't know yet. Is a really tiny tank though, only 12 litres. Have had a mini bag of siporax sat in the eheim on my main tank for a month now. It's gone into an aqua 100 hob. Got a 40 light led that used to have on my other nano, that'll be the light for this tank. Also got a tiny heater from a far east ebay seller.
Set it up tonight in an hour. Keeping it very simple. Just lava rock, hairgrass, a bit of H. triparita and mini xmas moss. Wanted to use acicularis but couldn't find any so parvula instead. Apologies as ever for the crap photos. Phone camera but with my skills the DSLR probably wouldn't have been any better. Inspired by a couple of Wen's scapes. Following some of Dincho's advice on shrimp tank setup.
This is the basic scape. Layers of lava rock to create a little cliff with a couple of tongues running off it:

Office setup 2 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
First layer - mosura old sea mud powder (shrimp voodoo juice #1)

Mud powder in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Dividers (cut from document wallet)

Dividers in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Substrate in. ADA AS Amazonia (new kind) at the back, mix of unipac gravel and play sand at the front and sides

1st layer substrate in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Mosura BT-9 in (shrimp voodoo juice #2)

BT-9 in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Rest of substrate - capping the amazonia with sand

Rest of substrate in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Lava rock

Hardscape in by hotweldfire, on Flickr

Parvula in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Moss and hydrocotyle

Mini xmas moss and triparita in by hotweldfire, on Flickr
And running

Done 1 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
Also some frogbit in there. Going to lift that front tongue of rock tomorrow to stop it disappearing into the sand. Am also going to have to adjust the position of the filter because there's no flow right now - just churning around in the back right corner. Going to blast it with gas and ferts initially then ease back and go low tech eventually.
Naturally it looks better in the flesh. Could I get advice on how soon I should hack back the hairgrass to encourage growth?