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Office nano

easerthegeezer said:
hotweldfire said:
Am wary of easycarbo and the like. I do use it occasionally as an algaecide in my main tank but don't like handling the stuff. Too many burns.

really? i know its not nice stuff but ive never experience any side effects and im not careful with it at all :jawdrop

Yep, once didn't put the cap on properly and put bottle away. Picked it up next day, had leaked all over the bottle and got all over my hands. Had chemical burns for a week. I think I've heard LD describe a similar experience. I think there was a rather heated debate on here some time ago about the issue.

Aqua sobriquet said:
Looking good. What don't you like about the reg?

I've sort of changed my mind about the reg. I still don't like it but I think the problem it has is common to most of these nano regs. This is because I have a TMC one and it does exactly the same thing.

Namely, if you try to run it below a certain pressure level it can't maintain the level for very long. So it runs fine if you want lime green or even mid green in a tank the size of this. If you want co2 but at a lower level it stutters.

I've turned it down bit by bit and it's been fine. Then suddenly at a certain level I've turned it down a bit more then come in the next morning to find the bubble count has dropped off to almost nothing. I've turned it up a bit and it works fine, maintains the same level. Turn it down past that critical point again and it seizes up over the next few hours.

It did this in my first nano and I found it was doing that in this one. So I bought the TMC and it does exactly the same thing. I think with these nano regs they have to run at a certain level to be reliable. Fine if you want a high tech nano. Not if you want lower tech, i.e. just a little bit of co2.
funny, i got a little fluval co2 nano system free with PFK subscription, thought why not put it on now i have it. I wanted just a trickle but sure enough 20 minutes later no co2 coming out. Its back in the shed now!! didnt really want to add co2 anyway, but seeing as i had it....
Should come with a BBA warning :lol:
Interesting. So that's ISTA, TMC and Fluval nano regs all doing the same thing. Guess I was right. As I said though I think they're fine if you want higher levels going into the tank. When I wanted my DC lime green the reg got it lime green. Now that's last season's colour the reg ain't happy with me.
You guys get welding disposable reg for 15 then 600g bottle for 12 and needle valve for 6 from ebay. Issues sorted. I am using 3 of them. Cheers
I can't live without co2.. life is too short, my beard would get grey sooner than plants would grow. 🙂
Whoops, trigger happy submit button.

2012-4-5_12.4.23 by hotweldfire, on Flickr

Hairgrass is getting there although the tall stuff at the back is mainly emersed acicularis courtesy of rolexbene. Was going to hack it back to the substrate but it immediately started putting out new submerged growth which, within a few days, is as tall as the emersed. Still need parvula at front and the lot to grow in. Would like a forest of it.

Plagiomnium still doing well

2012-4-5_12.6.57 by hotweldfire, on Flickr

and hydro doing very well and starting to grow emersed

2012-4-5_12.4.35 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
2012-4-5_12.7.11 by hotweldfire, on Flickr

Moss has got a bit problematic.

2012-4-5_12.28.54 by hotweldfire, on Flickr

I let it grow too long and let the frogbit floating above multiply too much. As a result it was starved of light and now the moss closest to the lava rock has gone brown. I need to hack it right back to the rock to limit the amount of brown in there.


2012-4-5_12.2.33 by hotweldfire, on Flickr

There are a few MTS in there but this boy gets through them remarkably quick. Shame assassins don't do the job in my main tank which is overrun with pond snails.

2012-4-5_12.5.6 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
2012-4-5_12.25.29 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
2012-4-5_12.25.36 by hotweldfire, on Flickr

Still not certain what these are. Got them from ADC London who I bought very similar (but somewhat higher grade) shrimp from last year. I identified those as Caridina breviata - bumble bee - but much stronger colouration than I've seen on a bumble bee before. These are very similar. Note the extra stripe and the black rather than white head (white head you'd get on CBS). Am wondering if they aren't some form of selectively bred hummel shrimp. Very nice (and not cheap) whatever they are.

2012-4-5_12.2.5 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
2012-4-5_12.7.20 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
2012-4-5_13.28.41 by hotweldfire, on Flickr

A pair of Trichopsis pumila. What a beautiful elegant little fish this is. Went in yesterday and they seem right at home. Still shy but starting to get their striking blue colouration back. Spending their time swimming in and out of the gaps between the lava rock.

I had 6 chili and 2 phoenix rasbora in here a couple of weeks ago to limit the crazy copepod explosion I had going on. However after a week I pulled them out because they looked seriously unhappy. Yesterday I noticed the glass was covered in microorganisms again so picked these up. They've already dealt with the majority. Will no doubt enjoy feasting on shrimplets but in a tank this size perhaps that's not a bad thing. A 12 litre could get overpopulated with shrimp very quickly.

Overall I'm pretty happy with how this tank is going. There's some surface film but I suspect that's down to the emersed hairgrass dying off and should pass. I was going to wean the tank off the co2 but am now thinking I'll leave it running on this low level (mid to dark green dropchecker, about 1 bubble every 5 seconds).
They are either caridina meridionalis or princess bee would need closer photo from side to tell. But most likely 1st one. They are nice indeed and hard to find they are often sold under breviata which is not correct i think. How much they been ad ADC? 🙂 They sometimes come with import of serrata group as new bee (tumida, venusta, meridionalis).

probably best looking wild bee shrimp together with princess bee.
Good ID. Also known as Larry shrimp, yes? I think you're right mate, except the colouration is stronger than any pics of caridina meridionalis I can find online. Which is what makes me think they're selectively bred. However, Greg says not and said the same thing about the similar shrimp he had last year that came from a different supplier. He said they were the kind of supplier that would never bother selectively breeding. Those were £12 each, these £10. Not princess bee, btw, I've owned them and these are different.

I should point out these are rather sensitive shrimp. I lost all the ones I bought last year. This lot I bought in two batches and each time it looked like I'd lost more than half after 5 hours drip acclimatisation. Lying on their sides/backs and twitching. I perversely decided the best thing was to get them into the tank quick. After a couple of hours they'd recovered. I haven't found any dead ones so not sure I've lost any but it was a close thing. Exactly the same thing happened with the second batch of 10.
Ye will post you photo of one of ours it is same strong. They may lose some color when parameters are off scale from previous water but offspring will get nice solid. They are not sensitive they are bad import then they die off but no worries here we breed them 4 berried now they do great so far no single dead. So you know where to get tank bred next 😉. On back and twitching is poisoning sign good you put them fast to good water.

Oh here I hijacked Ed's account by accident.
Radik out 🙂
My tanks have been badly neglected the last few months due to new job being a complete nightmare. This one has had the worst of it. Totally overgrown and overrun with algae. A couple of shots of it today. I will attempt to tidy up and post again tomorrow.

2012-11-16_12.20.21 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
2012-11-16_12.20.34 by hotweldfire, on Flickr
I really like it!!! Leave it as it is out some Leave litter in and a HMPK Betta in there!!! PLEEEASE