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oddn0ise - 270L planted rebuild - IAPLC entry

hard to believe you have only just switched to pressurised co2 everything I've read about those carbon blocks has been fairly negative

Thanks Tim, glad you liked the video. Inside the tank things are really healthy and all the plants are growing well, I bought the Carbon block gadget about 8 years ago, it's been easy to use and no fuss to change, but as you say nobody seems to have anything good to say about them. So I decided on the JBL and after a fairly lengthy set-up everything is now running smoothly, but I'm not looking forward to the FE refills as this sounds a bit of a phaff. Anyone know how heavy a big FE cylinder is, could I take it home on the tube?

The JBL CO2 unit has been running for about 2 weeks now so will post an update once it's really bedded in.
Looking great!
Is the video shot with the lighting representative of full light intensity or ramped down? Just trying to gauge how much lighting you use as it looks subdued in the video and some of your photos. If so its a great example of how co2, ferts and distribution grows plants as your stems are looking lush all the way down.

Cheers Ady, yes most of the shots and videos are shot late in the evening when the lights are ramping down and I can black the room out. I have been cutting the max level of light down as I prefer the tank in lower lights. I have the 2 Aquarays on long ramp ups and downs and the max level is now 80%, I add a T5 light for two hours in the late afternoon. You're right the plants seem lush all the way down and the Staurogene is now looking it's best after a poor start. Have got a fair amount of black algae but it doesn't look out of place on the wood and it keeps the shrimps and Otocinclus busy.
Cheers Mark. I thought the video quality could have been better, I'm really struggling with the Lumix camera and have read a few comments that they struggle in low light.
Glad you liked it though.
My Panasonic is terrible indoors 🙁
Amazing outside though with plenty of light around!
Good to see you posting again mate!

The tank is coming along nicely, looks very healty and the crypts look great , I love seeing mature crypts they add so much to a scape.
That's a lovely looking tank ;thumbup:

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Good to see you posting again mate!

The tank is coming along nicely, looks very healthy and the crypts look great , I love seeing mature crypts they add so much to a scape.

Cheers Ian, the Crypts are in good shape, I've planted about 30 in all and some must be nearly 10 years old. You're right they do add a nice feel.
How are your tanks coming on?
Almost 4 months into the rebuild now and the new CO2 is running smoothly, I think I've got the right amount, and the plants are responding.
Just looking into the purchasing of cylinders and then need to find a local supplier. ADC in London say they will refill but not sure I want to lug them home on the tube.

Latest pictures below taken mid-way through ramp down of the lights. Have cut the peak light level down from 100% to 80% as this has a nicer effect.

oddn0ise_Day88_close_up2 by oddnoise, on Flickr

oddn0ise_planted_tank_Day88 by oddnoise, on Flickr
Here the latest tank update. I'm just over a month with my first JBL CO2 unit running and things are setting down nicely, I added six assassin snails and they seem to be doing their job well. Have added some new Anubias as the original ones had attracted too much black algae, the Tennelus is growing really well and the Staurogene 'river' is filling out nicely. Taxiphyllum is spreading well on the wood, I just have to keep it trimmed back, and now it's just general maintenance.

oddn0ise_day135 by oddnoise, on Flickr