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Nymphoides and Cryptocoryne are melting, but epiphytes thriving. Whats going on?


New Member
18 Mar 2024
Hello all,
Thank you for letting me join UKAPS!
I set up a 112L planted tank back in December and planted a load of Cryptocoryne and Nymphoides, and lots of anubias, microsorum, bucephalandra. All the epiphytes are doing well, but the plants in the substrate haven't thrived and some are now melting.
It's my first aquasoil aquarium, using oase natural look aquasoil.
Hi Sam.

Cryptocorynes typically go through a melting process as they adapt to submerged life. I don’t know about nymphoides. Generally higher nutrients, CO2 and sufficient light make the melt less likely.
Thanks for your reply Simon. I should have mentioned I haven't got any CO2 and do have rather low ligting as well. That does make sense now.
Crypts grow very well without CO2 , don't be tempted to move them , the roots will be establishing. It's a transitional to submerged from emmersed and they are a low light plant
Hi all,
I should have mentioned I haven't got any CO2 and do have rather low ligting as well.
and lots of anubias, microsorum, bucephalandra. All the epiphytes are doing well, but the plants in the substrate haven't thrived
My initial thought was that it might be a <"low light issue too">, but it is really difficult to judge light levels by eye.

Could you give us a picture of the tank? and tell us about your fertiliser regime etc. It will help us by giving a bigger picture.

Final question do you know what your tap water is like? You should be able to get figures from your water supplier (presumably <"Your not-for-profit water company | Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water">), because of where you live it could be anything from soft Welsh reservoir water to very hard aquifer water.
cheers Darrel
Here's a photo, we do have very soft water in our area as our local reservoir is a moorland/Spruce plantation lake. I use the tropica premium nutrition 5 days per week, as suggested on the bottle for a tank of my size.
Like I said, the epiphytes are thriving, the bolbitis and microsorum have exploded, and I've never had java moss grow so quickly.
Thanks again for your help


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Hi all,
That looks pretty good.
Here's a photo, we do have very soft water in our area as our local reservoir is a moorland/Spruce plantation lake.
Soft water makes things easier, mainly because it is <"much simpler to add things to water">, rather than take them away.
I use the tropica premium nutrition 5 days per week, as suggested on the bottle for a tank of my size.
You will need to swap to <"complete fertiliser"> at some point, <"Tropical Specialised"> would do.

As you have <"floating plants"> already you can use these (they aren't CO2 limited) to monitor nutrient levels via the <"Duckweed Index">

Cheers Darrel
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Keep us posted as to whether any of the Crypts start sprouting, I've lost plenty before now only to see them appear six months later after thinning out a patch of real estate.