Well, hello everyone!
I figured it is the time to post an update. I had huge die off from before the lights were low and that caused a huge build up of DOC. I had algae on glass and bba on the old leaves - only ever slow growers + very dead Pogostemon.
What I have done:
Topped all of the old stems that had come back, removed the dead segment, replanted tops. I did this for S. Repens, Rotala Rotundifolia, Pogo. Erectus, Buce, Anubias (for the epiphytes, I just removed dying leaves).
Cut the 20% daily water changes and made them 60% ... have been doing these daily for about 3 days now. What spurred this was the dust algae on glass and BBA, I had ran CO2 profile, I was seeing streaming + pearling (immensely when all filters off during feeding) but the algae continued. Lights, I will address below.
My TDS had gone up to
400, albeit dosing daily EI with a Mg dose will increase this eventually -- but let's not kid anyone here -
the tank is/was dirty. I saw GSA for the first time ever - my phosphate dose didn't change anything - the only thing is I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. My water change water, doctored to the same KH and paired GH,
has a TDS of 200 (tap water is around 80, but I like having more than 1 KH - in my heart). My TDS at the end of yesterday's change was 240, and I am aiming for 210ish today (it is filling currently). I automated my water change even more so than before
🙂. I dismantled the filters and cleaned them vigorously - I even added purigen which I swore I wouldn't do, but I had some and am using it temporarily on top of bio media until I can get this tank clean. I am convinced dissolved organics caused my algae.
I have been dusting these plants with a toothbrush (to stir all the gunk up) and my wife laughs at me.
I also noticed: My spray bar gives a nice circular flow, but all my detritus from my driftwood, plants, need I go on, was being caught on my background leaves of the stems. After turkey bastering, it just went back in a circle
... I added a power head throwing the flow back to my intake with a filter floss in it to reduce the flow and catch any dirt - checking that daily - it is gross. I suspect my canister just isn't strong enough (even after removing filter floss from filter to increase flow and oxygenation) - it is rated for 300GPH (
https://www.renaaquaticsupply.com/A...er-for-75-gallon-aquarium-complete_p_195.html); I am going to try to augment with power heads and see if it will suffice, without going out and getting a stronger one.
I’ve found a spot with my light where I get pearling (most is streaming because I cut all algae leaves, cut tops and replanted virtually everything) in all plants except my pogo at the back -
which makes me worry that the light is not at LCP for him - time will tell?? ... for reference, my pogo has grown at 40% and I have only reduced them down to 35’%.
Currently, I haven't seen any serious new algae forming -- Some of the old/new (leaves that made the cut) buce that got a tuft when the tank was dirty before the realization have a little hair or something, but for the most part I think I am stagnant.
Here's a big shot:
If I have any more observations/concerns that come up, I will upload them to here.
Again, thanks everyone on UKAPS.
PS anyone know how to change my name from Plants234?