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(NO MORE) 2,000L High tech BEAST

Next on the stocking list is 200-300 rummynose tetras.

Might I suggest you also look at Cochu's Blue Tetra (Boehlkea fredcochui). They have a vivid blue colour with a touch of red on the tail, look great in big tanks (mine is 2m long) and they are super active fish, much more than rummies. I keep both, and Blues are so fun to watch, they chace each other non stop and also breed every morning (eggs are getting eaten of course).
Try using something like Seachem Clarity to get the water crystal clear. Works fantastically especially if one has clouded the water during excessive plant fiddling.
Seachem Clarity

Thanks for the tip, didnt know such a thing existed!
Although i prefer a laissez faire approach. Im going to let it settle for a while before i consider chems.

Did I meantion my tank looked like this in august? 😀
Came back from a holiday to this. Stupidly left the lights on 12 hrs a day in an empty, EI fertilised tank.
I think it was a cyano + diatome infestation. It was THICK. With visible bits floating in the column.
Got rid of it with some good old fashioned time and patience 😀
(With a touch of lights off for days)

20180823_124237.jpg 20180823_124219.jpg

Thanks for reading
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how's your tank coming along?


I am planning on posting some vids/pics over the weekend.

A quick run down will have to do for now:
  • The rummynoses are settling in, die off is under 10% so far. Not worried.
  • Got 6 hillstream loaches yesterday
  • Green algae is having a hard time, which worries my otos and loaches. Considering increasing the photo period.
  • Plants are growing quickly enough, another sword is flowering. Starting to like my vals waving in the current.
  • Also, my experiment with the copper slag substrate seems to be working out fine! Pond snails are growing in numbers, and the cherry shrimp dont seem to mind.
Thanks for asking
I would add malayan trumpet snails, they will move your soil around improving soil health and remove a lot of dirt too.
On the other hand detritus is good as a food source for fry/tiny critters too.
Hi ed, Malayan trumpet trumpet snails do they lay eggs on the glass? Or will they eat tiny shrimp, if not might invest in some of these.

Cheers lee
do they lay eggs on the glass? Or will they eat tiny shrimp,
There are some tiny packets now and then, not sure if they are from the MTS, probably to slow for shrimps. In general they stay in the bottom during the day and get active at night.
There are some tiny packets now and then, not sure if they are from the MTS, probably to slow for shrimps. In general they stay in the bottom during the day and get active at night.
Thanks ed, are they good for algae aswel.