Matt @ ScapeEasy
Wow that is some extreme maintenance... puts my efforts in a new light!
Been there, done that
Sad to report, my otos stopped schooling after about a week in the tank.
My understanding is that they schooled at first as they werent sure of their surroundings. They have now settled and are rarely seen swimming in "open waters" in groups. Glad I took that vid.
This is a perfect tank for those aponogetons
Add in 50-60 pygmy cory,
Add in 50-60 pygmy cory, otos seems to quite appreciate the look alike company
Add in 50-60 pygmy cory, otos seems to quite appreciate the look alike company
200-300 rummynose tetras.
three species commonly sold as “rummynose”
how's the overflow working for you?
How do you force the dirt up and into the overflow
In short, I dont.
Ive a few powerheads moving the water around, but thats more for co2 and nutrient delivery.
Works so far.
Isn't that a disadvantage of overflow systems vs canister filters
700L + 120L sump and have been experiencing fish health issues like never before