Afternoon guys,
Since these journals are meant to be warts n all, let talk about some. Namely, my cheap substrate - iron oxide blasting sand (copper slag).
I wanted cheap black sand, and since I couldnt find anyone who actually used copper slag to any disastrous effect, I decided to go against every scaremongering advice online, test it for myself, and risk having to rip out my tank to remove 400kgs of the stuff. You see, Im an all-in kinda guy, small patient testing is not for me!
I am told that copper is harmful to inverts (even under 0.5ppm), and this sand contains up to 1% copper oxide. *gulp*
I've a copper test kit that tells me the level of copper is currently undetectable.
The tank is going through the cycle (nitrite phase). Once thats complete, I will test for copper again, and put a small group of shrimp in.
This tank can be a very stressful project at times. I know Im not helping myself.

The way I see it, if the substrate kills my shrimp, there will at least be concrete experience online as to why not to use this stuff, as opposed to just scaremongering about copper.
If it works, I would have saved a penny, and fed my contrarian side!
Thanks for reading