I see no reason for the 6500 pump?If it is in series behind the 10,000 pump?The 10,000 will still only pump 10,000 regardless of if the 6500 is there or not?
I can see a reason why I would try it 😉 , the total output will be 10,000 regardless OFC, But as long as a bypass is fitted so the water the 6500 doesnt take can return to the tank unimpeded it should work, be better is on a separate return inlet OFC, plus if a bypass is fitted it technically isnt in true series its more of a spur. Plus it means he can run the CO2 reactors at a higher pressure which should increase CO2 uptake by the water . Plus using the feed from the 10,000 means less piping which is good IMO. My independent lines gets dirty and cant wait to get rid if it 😉
Then boost the tank turnover with a couple of gyres, no piping easy to clean great flow
Just my opinion 😉