Ahh is that your new secret filtermaterial in those plastic blue rimmed square boxes?? Intriguing shape

Strangely my light has always come on at once, fish never seemed bothered.
Well, I did a large water change yesterday. All my rummies are now dead.
All other fish are fine.
The rummies have been slowly dropping since I got them, I have a suspicion that lots were dying and rotting out of sight, and this has been contributing to (if not causing) the green water.
The large water change yesterday might have finally pushed the rest over the edge.
I am not actually that bothered. Setbacks are part of the game.
Water looks clearer today, might take some pics later on.
Thanks thanks for reading.
That's probably because you have all these rare plants that stun your fish when the lights come on 🙂Strangely my light has always come on at once, fish never seemed bothered.
Well, I did a large water change yesterday. All my rummies are now dead.
All other fish are fine.
The rummies have been slowly dropping since I got them, I have a suspicion that lots were dying and rotti
Well, I did a large water change yesterday. All my rummies are now dead.
Just an idea, you might like to try.. Must be peanuts with a PLC.
I am not actually that bothered. Setbacks are part of the game.
Fair to say this is a rubbish attitude to have, killing 300 fish and not caring is not part of the 'game'!!
Awsome monster project!! Realy nicely done...
In the last video you mention the fish freaking out when lights come on!? I assume all comes on at the same time?
Sorry to hear about your rummies. Did all 300 die? I would expect it would take a lot of 2.5cm fish to die to see an Ammonia spike in a 2000L tank...
As said it's only a theory, you can check with a multimeter in the tank water and see what voltage is measured.. I red articles about it, stating as long as the tank water isn't grounded this inductive or capacitive stray current shouldnt have any impact.. Also had fears debate with an alledged electricity proffesor stating the same. I'm far from a professor and just an amateur using logics.. And my question was, if a light ballast or a driver containing coils is able to blast capacitive current into the tank over the atmosphere without a cable touching the water. Than why is it so darn far fetched to suspect there will be some current exciting again?. That it is blasted in over the atmosphere is prooven and measurable.. Me stating if that's a fact why doesn't the same current come out the same route, over the atmosphere? That question was never answered, mater a fact it was ridiculed. Probaly because it can't be measured. 🙂 Still fish freak out occasionaly.. A short capacitive peaking electro shock is a possible suspect imho..
Interesting!!! Where is my dusty old multimeter...
Diy UV has been done before, but there are many gotchas.DIY UV's are pretty Intensely rare- because they r dangerous as hell to make-
The main ones are:
Not convinced it will UVC resistant. Most UV equipment is contained in glass or stainless or specialist plastic. The Vectron UV unit uses a UV tube in quartz glass housing all contained in a special plastic tube. It states that the plastic fittings should be inspected regularly and replaced once "eroded" by the UV light.believe it has UV resistant particles in the plastic due to expected exposure to the sun.
Not convinced it will UVC resistant.
Any idea why they rate these UVs differently for ponds vs aquariums?
E.g. 13w uv offered for ponds up to 10000L or aquariums up to 200L.