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Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

Let's pause a bit and ask a question:

Why is your water so cloudy?
My small and basic aquarium (with its many faults, including plants that should not be underwater!) is nothing compared to some of the expert UKAPS members' aquariums.

But I think you have to address why the water is so cloudy and get that under control first - before you add/subtract any more chemicals/fertilisers.


I don't know, I ask you, is the sand suitable? legend on the internet says that the filter material is dead 🤔. last Saturday water change with cleaning of the filter (the impeller, I removed a matrix basket and put in the oase wool sponge and purity masterline wonderful water, then two days ago sand and I saw this cloudy water. the sand I had wash

I don't know, I ask you, is the sand suitable? legend on the internet says that the filter material is dead 🤔. last Saturday water change with cleaning of the filter (the impeller, I removed a matrix basket and put in the oase wool sponge and purity masterline wonderful water, then two days ago sand and I saw this cloudy water. the sand I had washed)
sorry but it's the translator. In fact I wanted to ask some experts for advice, however on Saturday I will remove the sand again and wash the perlon wool
Ah, I understand! You are using a translator!

OK, why do you want to remove the sand?
I don't know if that's the cause, the next day the water turned cloudy and it filled with algae
Sand doesn't cause algae. You need to keep up with water change, lightly substrate vacuum (use a turkey baster, for details watch the video of 2hrAquarist "water change the 2hr way")

Check CO2 if it's still enough.

If the algae are returning (means that you have beat them before), means that:
1) plants mass increased, so you need to dose more CO2 or start trimming plants
2) as plant mass increase, you need to increase more ferts (or trim plants)
3) maybe you have increased light, without increasing CO2
4) you skipped WC or didn't perform any vacuum of the substrate.

The sand can't cause algae. Masterline purity isn't needed (using it will not hurts anything but I used months ago Seachem purigen, now I've removed it from the filters, and the plants started pearling way more)

If I'm not wrong, you use ada Amazonia? If you moved a lot the aquasoil, it leech nutrients in water column, this can cause algae that can be easily resolved with 2 50% WC weekly.

About "anti calcare" what would do with it?

Everytime you disturb too much the substrate, an algae bloom will appear, if you move the substrate (uprooting, vacuuming) you need to perform WC at the same time
ok thank you very much. And what is the purpose of the sudden cloudiness? I uprooted some plants to plant new tips like they do at 2hrAquarist but always done and never cloudy water like now. My fear was that I had killed the bacteria since I thoroughly cleaned the filter. Washed the matrix but with aquarium water. The basket only with tap water
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My fear was that I had killed the bacteria since I thoroughly cleaned the filter. Washed the matrix but with aquarium water. The basket only with tap water
I don't think that you killed bacteria honestly, bacteria could die if you wash biomedia in tap water, but they are more resilient that we think. If your bacteria died, you should have an ammonia/nitrite spike (check this two params, just to be safe). The cloudiness could be an initial of green water (I'm not an expert, I'll leaves comment to others like @dw1305 which are way more experienced than me), but if you keep with WC, and regular maintenance you have nothing to be worry. If needed dim the light.

I don't remember, your CO2 source is pressurized tank or diy CO2?
Hi all,
I don't think that you killed bacteria honestly, bacteria could die if you wash biomedia in tap water, but they are more resilient that we think.
Same for me.
The cloudiness could be an initial of green water ......... but if you keep with WC
I still don't think there is anything <"fundamentally wrong with the tank">. My suggestion would still be <"just watch the plants"> and change some water for a while and see what happens.

If you go back through <"the thread">, then the OP has changed <"all sorts of things">, but never had any <"period of stability">. Every time the tank has got anywhere <"near stability">, then the <"chainsaw has come out"> and bombed the tank the tank back to the stone-age.

I'm not trying to be funny, but that is literally more intervention in six months than my tanks have had in the last fifteen years. @ElleDee has had an extended period where she couldn't maintain her tanks to their usual maintenance regime, but <"they have done OK">.

cheers Darrel
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no now it's always cloudy with lights on and off .I'm not adding any acid
I only saw an explosion of lots of very small snails which I suppose has nothing to do with it
and already saturated the masterline purity and releases something? He's only a week old, maybe 10 days old