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Newbie with Low light + C02 supplemented tank

I am very sorry for taking too much time on posting this Clive .

So here's how the tank is looking now. I have put 2 parallel running spray bars through out the length of the rear tank wall.

I have chosen the new position for the co2 ceramic diffuser as you can see now.

I had 2 units of aquarium fans mounted up on the tank initially but I can only mount one up now . Looking for a decent place to mount the other one up.

Thank you Clive because there was no way I would have thought of mountinng the spray bars up as I have here without your help. It looks awesome. I know that the grey pvc tube looks kind of a scene spoiler there but this is all really exciting to a newbie y'now?!! 😀 I could literally feel the "Power of the Flow" 😀

Just waiting for my plants to arrive now. Tuesday 22nd of March. It's been postponed by the new supplier,..but that's okay.

Hi faizal,
Yes, that looks so much neater now and you'll get a much more even flow distribution along the length of the tank. Once you get the plants in there the hardware will start to disappear. It looks so much nicer with those tube moved to the back. A 100% improvement. :thumbup:

Thanks Clive!!! But I was just following your advice. The compliment actually goes back to you my friend. I was just lucky enough to come to a forum where everyone truly does this for the absolute love & passion of this hobby.

Thanks again!! 🙂
Yes !! Finally !!! Just got my plants a few hours ago ! :clap: Ahh !!! It's going to be a long sweet night. Been planning this for far too long,....far too long !

I was wondering if I could continue to upload the pictures here under the General Planted Discussions or should I move it to a new thread under the Journal Forum?

Could someone advise please?

Thank you .

Thanks Clive!! I just planted my tank last night. Went on till 2:30 am 😀 It's 12:10pm now in Malaysia. As you had mentioned earlier, the plants are all moving slightly especially the Blyxias. You are right,....spray bars mounted at the back provide so much better flow coverage!!! I just wish I had obtained a more powerful cannister filter instead of my Eheim pump,..y'know? I feel like the spray bars are giving a much better flow coverage but the force of current by itself is not that powerful so as to blow the plants away .

I did not switch on the lights last night. The plant supplier had informed me that the Hygrophila polysperma and the Hygrophila difformis were only about a week into the submersed culture before he delivered them to me. The upper leaves of the H.difformis are just transforming. So I discarded the lower half & planted the upper half.

I DID NOT switch on the light last night. But I have been running the CO2 at 1 bps since I filled up the tank and I have not switched them off. I am only doing this for TODAY . I am not sure if I am doing the right thing but I thought it might help the plants to adjust better without much stress on their first day. I have absolutely no scientific basis to support this action,...but just a paranoid gut feeling about those newly submersed H.difformis & H.polysperma.

First day of photoperiod begins today. I'm switching on the lights everyday from 8pm to 2am. This is about the time when I am at home & this helps me to keep an eye on the tank & monitor the co2 as you had advised me 🙂 I will then continue with my current rate of 1 bps as a baseline co2 injection rate and monitor the pH drop vs time(in order to determine the best position for the co2 ceramic diffuser) AND monitor the drop checker's colour change for tweaking the co2 injection rate. :geek:

And, yes, I think it would be better if I start a new journal so that other newbies like me could bump into my tank and pick up on all those cool things that you have taught me so far.

Again, I don't think I can ever say this enough,...but thank you so much for helping me. 🙂

Take care.
