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Newbie to Aquatic plants.

Fluval do say it’s okay to 220 litres this filter though

Filter manufacturers generally overstate this. I have a few 207's - great filters but I would go 307 if you stay low tech and 407 if you go high tech. My 207 is on a 75 litre tank- less than half the volume of yours. Please try group up your replies into a single post otherwise it gets tedious to keep up with the thread. Hopefully things get better for your tank 🙂

Edit - Not well versed on your light, 75% may be a little high though especially without injected CO2 if you're using easy category plants. May be worth lowering it to 50-60% for the moment.
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Filter manufacturers generally overstate this. I have a few 207's - great filters but I would go 307 if you stay low tech and 407 if you go high tech. My 207 is on a 75 litre tank- less than half the volume of yours. Please try group up your replies into a single post otherwise it gets tedious to keep up with the thread. Hopefully things get better for your tank 🙂

Edit - Not well versed on your light, 75% may be a little high though especially without injected CO2 if you're using easy category plants. May be worth lowering it to 50-60% for the moment.
Mate I’m going 407
Hi all,
having loads of melting that’s for sure……
Do you know what the tall grassy plant at the back of the tank was bought as?

It might be Cyperus helferi <"https://www.ukaps.org/forum/plants/cyperus-helferi.48/">, but I wonder if it isn't really an aquatic plant? Unfortunately a lot of plants <"that aren't really suitable"> for life underwater long term are sold as "aquatic" plants.
Ok, for a 3 week old tank, you have your fish in way too early.
Have a look at the <"Seasoned Tank Time"> video in the link. Because you already have the fish you just need to carry on changing some water at the moment. A <"floating plant"> would help with water quality, PM me if you want a mix of floaters, I always have spare.
That’s right in PPM. They are within the good parameters my test kit says.
At the moment don't put too much faith in the test kit results, just watch the fish, and particularly what <"colour their gills are">. If they start to look noticeably redder, or the fish start breathing rapidly, or they are noticeably lethargic? You need to change a larger volume of water.

cheers Darrel
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