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New to EI ?

Well, I've taken the plunge and ordered a starter kit from on of our sponsors - Aquarium Plant Food UK
Now if it all goes 'orribly wrong... I'm going to blame CEG4048
'Course not - if it goes right it's obviously something I must have done!
Oh alright -seeing as it's you - and you know how many times you've helped me out!

As always - really appreciate the input!

Serious question though - when my chemicals arrive next week will it be ok to just stop my current system with the ready made Seachem liquid ferts and "switch"...
Or do I need to introduce them gradually?
(Logic tells me to just switch but I just thought I'd better ask - after all..consistency is the key..!)
Just go for it. There is no need to do anything gradually with NPK & Traces, just chuck the powders into the tank or make up you water mix and dump it in.
CO2 is a different story of course, but you never need to worry about these powders. They are just food.
