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New to aquaria, advice needed!

I've been through seriouslyfish for everything on that list and more. It's pretty good for a description, basic care and size per fish but doesn't say e.g. you need 10+ but can only fit 5.

That's where INJAF can help. It has a useful article about fish stocking density.

Yes, that's right, both will be processing nitrogenous waste. And, as you say, that will be ammonia at the moment. The suggestion that I'm just about to make is a bit contentious but I would add Tetra SafeStart to your tank to help establish a healthy bacterial colony in your filter. I, and many others, have had great success with this specific product. If you decide to try SafeStart, it is very important to give the bottle a vigorous shake before use.

Ordered, due tomorrow.
I've got 100ml which should be enough for 120l apparently.
The tubes are only 8ml capacity and I couldn't tell colour change in a bowl so each of these is 8ml water plus 1 drop.

It is essential that 10ml of aquarium water is used to get the exact KH and GH. You could use a larger tube, if you have one or two spare. But, if it's a faff, then don't bother. We don't strictly need a more accurate figure. It's very evident that your tap water has virtually no hardness - be that KH or GH. So, now, you can tailor your water hardness to suit the fish you would like. Luxury! To make things simple, JBL Aquadur may be a candidate for simultaneously increasing the GH and KH of your tap water. You may want to check it out. Or, you could try Tropic Marin Re-Mineral Tropic, which is what I use with RODI* water.

* RODI = Reverse Osmosis De-Ionized

Or, you could try Tropic Marin Re-Mineral Tropic, which is what I use with RODI* water.

Tropic Marin RMT doesn't only increase KH and GH. It adds other electrolytes and salts for the benefit of plants, fish and other tank inhabitants. I suggest that you get the 'improved recipe' version of RMT if you decide to opt for this product.

I've got 100ml which should be enough for 120l apparently.

Perfect! When it arrives, please check the expiry date on the bottle before use. In this instance, it's particularly important as SafeStart contains live bacteria. And, for fear of repeating myself, give the bottle a good shake before adding to your tank.

Hi all,
I've attached the full report, hopefully it makes more sense to you.
Perfect, soft clean water with just over 1 dKh/dGH. The pH is elevated by the added NaOH. You could use that straight out the tap, plus dechlorinator. If you wanted to harden the water a little bit you could use potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) and calcium chloride (CaCl2.6H2O) or chick grit etc., details are at <"James' Planted Tank">.
I can't remember what the rest are
  1. First one is Dicrossus filamentosus, I really like these, but they need live food, an established tank and very soft water. The Tetra is Cardinal Tetra.
  2. Some cultivated Rams, I would just stay well away these. If you really like them you need to get German Blue Rams from a local breeder. The dotty catfish is an "L number", it may be a Hypancistrus like <"L201"> or it might be a juvenile <" Leporacanthicus galaxias "> etc. Whatever it is they need some special care. The Tetra is a Rummy-nose, I can't tell which species.
  3. A male Betta and a Lamp-eye Killi, probably Poropanchax normanii.
  4. A mix of Danios (probably all forms of Danio rerio), Glowlight Tetra, Corydoras aeneus, Panda Garra.
  5. Kribs and Blue Columbian Tetra.
  6. Ember Tetra.
If you are keen on Cichlids, then an <"Apistogramma spp">. would be worth looking at, they are a bit smaller than Kribs and not quite as homicidal. <"Peter Clarke"> ("Apisto Aquatics") is in Chesterfield, and can both advise you, and sell you some fish.

Once the tank has grown in I would add the Tetra type fish, probably Ember Tetra out of those ones, and then a few weeks after that the larger fish. Have a look at the range of Corydoras catfish available, a fish like Corydoras panda would be easy to keep and attractive.

cheers Darrel
Perfect! When it arrives, please check the expiry date on the bottle before use. In this instance, it's particularly important as SafeStart contains live bacteria. And, for fear of repeating myself, give the bottle a good shake before adding to your tank.

I will shake it like my life depends on it.
At the risk of sounding even thicker, should I measure out exactly enough for 70l or just bung the whole lot in? I can't imagine I'll have much use for a partial bottle afterwards.
Tropic Marin RMT doesn't only increase KH and GH. It adds other electrolytes and salts for the benefit of plants, fish and other tank inhabitants. I suggest that you get the 'improved recipe' version of RMT if you decide to opt for this product.

Thanks, I'll have a look.
Hi all,
Perfect, soft clean water with just over 1 dKh/dGH. The pH is elevated by the added NaOH. You could use that straight out the tap, plus dechlorinator. If you wanted to harden the water a little bit you could use potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) and calcium chloride (CaCl2.6H2O) or chick grit etc., details are at <"James' Planted Tank">.

  1. First one is Dicrossus filamentosus, I really like these, but they need live food, an established tank and very soft water. The Tetra is Cardinal Tetra.
  2. Some cultivated Rams, I would just stay well away these. If you really like them you need to get German Blue Rams from a local breeder. The dotty catfish is an "L number", it may be a Hypancistrus like <"L201"> or it might be a juvenile <" Leporacanthicus galaxias "> etc. Whatever it is they need some special care. The Tetra is a Rummy-nose, I can't tell which species.
  3. A male Betta and a Lamp-eye Killi, probably Poropanchax normanii.
  4. A mix of Danios (probably all forms of Danio rerio), Glowlight Tetra, Corydoras aeneus, Panda Garra.
  5. Kribs and Blue Columbian Tetra.
  6. Ember Tetra.
If you are keen on Cichlids, then an <"Apistogramma spp">. would be worth looking at, they are a bit smaller than Kribs and not quite as homicidal. <"Peter Clarke"> ("Apisto Aquatics") is in Chesterfield, and can both advise you, and sell you some fish.

Once the tank has grown in I would add the Tetra type fish, probably Ember Tetra out of those ones, and then a few weeks after that the larger fish. Have a look at the range of Corydoras catfish available, a fish like Corydoras panda would be easy to keep and attractive.

cheers Darrel
Thanks. Mixing my own sounds like it might be a bit too easy for me to make a mess of at the moment.

I'll have a look at Apistos.

My Mrs doesn't actually like Corydoras, she specifically pointed out that she didn't like them at the shop (it was a panda!) so that's a bugger.
Thanks. Mixing my own sounds like it might be a bit too easy for me to make a mess of at the moment.

Hi @mrhoyo

That's precisely why I didn't mention it. Walk, don't run - at this stage. The pre-made potions may cost a bit more at the outset but, if you value your time, you'll be better off in the long run.

At the risk of sounding even thicker, should I measure out exactly enough for 70l or just bung the whole lot in? I can't imagine I'll have much use for a partial bottle afterwards.

Hi @mrhoyo

I'd be tempted to just use half of the 100ml bottle initially. The bacteria will have plenty to get there gnashers into. I seem to recall that you measured 0.25ppm ammonia and the Tropica soil will continue to drip-feed the bacteria with more ammonia. It's always useful to have some SafeStart spare.

Hi @mrhoyo

I'd be tempted to just use half of the 100ml bottle initially. The bacteria will have plenty to get there gnashers into. I seem to recall that you measured 0.25ppm ammonia and the Tropica soil will continue to drip-feed the bacteria with more ammonia. It's always useful to have some SafeStart spare.

That works well, I ordered two 50ml ones.
Hi @mrhoyo

That's precisely why I didn't mention it. Walk, don't run - at this stage. The pre-made potions may cost a bit more at the outset but, if you value your time, you'll be better off in the long run.

Same here, @mrhoyo has got a lot to take in, and I thought it best to keep things straitforward.
After a while we can get him mixing his own remin salts, homebrew fertilisers, home-made shrimp food and all sorts. 🙂
That sounds straightforward, is it just a case of adding something when I do water changes? I'm already adding Prime and fertiliser so it's no problem for me to add salts too.
Yes, just dose your water change water. Only a tiny bit of extra work, but as @jaypeecee says it removes the potential for a disaster.