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New tank to be planted


3 May 2008
Hi All,

Looking for some ideas on plants.
Just got a 39x20x16 with 2 x 30 watt lights and a small external filter.

I am unsure what low light plants to use.
I am not planning on using co2 or ferts just aquatic compost capped with unipac black sand.
All I have so far is 2 large pieces of bogwood, java moss and large crypt that spreads like wildfire in my brittlenose breeding tank.
What I want is some large growing background plants like vallis but not sure which would be best for lowlight.
Some midground and fore ground lowlight plants.
Any suggestions on which plants to buy and where from.

Also what would be the best compost to go for and will this affect the cycle?
I am going to move the mature filter media from my 90l tank to this new one when it’s ready for the fish.
I was thinking of a jungle type effect with room in the foreground for a group of corys.
The only other fish so far is a betta.

I hope this all makes sense?

Any help would be great.
Actually "Low Light Plants" is a misnomer. The expression really ought to be changed to "Low CO2 Plants" because this is what it amounts to. All plants can function in low light but only some can function well in low CO2. If that's the case you are free to choose any tall plant labelled as "Easy" for your background. "Easy" is another secret word for "Does not need a lot of CO2 to do well".

Any of the common Ludwigias, Crypts, Swords, Hygrophilas, Aponogetons, Egerias, Cabombas, Ferns, Wisteria, or Lobelia will do OK as background plants in a non-CO2 enriched tank.

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