Hi mate,
As I mentioned I now use LED because of the ease of intensity control. To me that's the most important innovation to come along for us in a long while. Now we have the ability to avoid becoming slaves to intensity. We can vary both the colors and intensity to suit our mood and to avoid plant health issues. The trick for you, if you want to keep the hood, is to find LED units that can be mounted in the hood.
I think TGM have been given a raw deal. I'm just musing here, but some of the factors that people don't consider is that there are a lot of other issues associated with a new product type than just whether it works. TGM have to consider things like Quality Control, Product Support from suppliers, and as well, they have to be able to be confident about performance and they need to learn the product so that they can answer questions and offer quality advice. If they sell you something that turns out to be rubbish, then their reputation suffers, so they want to be absolutely sure that what they sell will be of high quality. Companies like ADA want their distributors to be high end, and to maintain high standards generally, so TGM have to be cautious about what they sell. If you check their website, you'll find that they do stock LEDs now however, again, their selection will be limited for the time being - probably until the ADA LED version is available.
The real problem with LEDs right now though, is that they are atrociously overpriced. You would need quite a few of those TMC tiles to fill the space. I love colors, so I would not get those particular ones because they have only white and blue. I love to simulate phases of the day by having emphasis on red's and yellows, followed by blue/white/green, then purples at the tail end of the lighting period. I like to use the colors as a paintbrush, but these color diodes are only available on the top end devices, which will easily blow the budget, especially since you'd need to buy multiple copies.
It might be easier for now to go with your original plan, but to just use bulbs of varying lengths so that you get a good spread. Why can't you mount shorter bulbs near the edges and just have the longer bulbs mounted in the center? Sorry if this is a silly question but I haven't seen the hardware you are thinking about. What I did a long time ago was to combine a series of Power Compact bulbs under the hood and to route the cables to external ballasts. This was a messy installation, and I'm not suggesting that you do that, but it seems you ought to be able to mount a combination of bulb types under the hood. Each set of bulbs, or set groups can have their individual timers, so that you have some control of intensity. If you use some PCs you might be able to mount them in a crosswise orientation near the edges so that the cover the entire edge. Then have the other normal bulbs in the center.