Mix of Matrix and Bio-home Ultimate and yes the filter is rammed
🙁, as Darrel pointed out , it was a trick question -Filter media will help also😉
Mix of Matrix and Bio-home Ultimate and yes the filter is rammed
🙁, as Darrel pointed out , it was a trick question -Filter media will help also😉
So much information on YouTube and the internet supports the idea that your cannister should be full of ceramics for bacteria.
for fish only tank that's correct, but in a well planted tank the plants roots provide a massive surface area for the bacteria the live and provide the biofiltration for the tank. so medium and course sponge filters is all I use to keep the output of the filer high, but I do clean the filter regular, on 500l tank regular means weekly 😉 and the sponges are always full of detritus as I turkey blast the carpet and let the filter do its job catching the particles then clean the filter
correct, but in a well planted tank the plants roots provide a massive surface area for the bacteria the live and provide the biofiltration for the tank.
It is like @Zeus. says, a lot of the information on the <"internet isn't right">, and a lot of companies have a vested interest in <"selling "premium" filter media">.So much information on YouTube and the internet supports the idea that your cannister should be full of ceramics for bacteria.