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New Plant Expert

Tim Harrison

5 Nov 2011
I know you'll join me in welcoming Christel Kasselmann (@Christel) to UKAPS.
Christel is a recognised authority on aquatic plants and an enthusiastic aquarist.

Many of you will already know her as author of the superb book Aquarium Plants, a must for any plant enthusiast.
There's now a revised and greatly expanded 4th edition available. Check out Christel's website for more info :)

Hi @Christel

You may remember that I bought a copy of your excellent book just before Christmas. I use my initials as a User Name here on UKAPS. But, it shouldn't take you long to connect this User Name with my real name. What can I say - I'm delighted that you have joined UKAPS. You will be a great asset.

JPC :happy::thumbup:
Try this link zeus, it worked for me.
Just follow the email link to order.
