love it, Did you pick out the 1 male and 3 female Odessa's or was that a fluke. He will get even darker as he starts to court the females.
Hi @Gill
There’s ten Odessa’s in there in total. It’s ended up five to five. Nine are fine (four males and five females), however the one remaining male was challenging initially but has calmed down with the introduction of the trident fern. The CPD’s swimming passed him seemed to trigger him, like he’s mistaking their colouration initially then realised his mistake. Have various ideas to try with this one.
Options are:
- Wait and see
- Remove the lone male
- Remove the CPD’s (there’s only five)
- Add a few more females
The CPD’s are getting removed very soon anyway and going in the tub as a breeding project this summer:

Afterwards they (and hopefully their young if breeding goes well) will end up in the AS600 anyway. So CPD’s out is the easiest thing to try first. After that wait and see. If this doesn’t work and it came down to it I would rather remove the lone male than add more females. There’s no injury or fin nipping etc. just posturing.