Sure thing.
PM an address Hoggie and will get it sent 😉
PM an address Hoggie and will get it sent 😉
Very organised!!! .......
i have a small dooa pot can i ask what is the nano lights you have on terrarium as i have seen people use on the dooa pots ?
Very organised!!! .......![]()
Its cold, miserable and wet up north, enjoy your last remenats of summer.
Tank looks spifing as per 🤗
Beautiful tank and plants.
Was going to ask how you stop the emersed growth going crispy but see you state it normally does. Is there an accepted method for stopping it doing so?
I've done it you just have to place it behind some plants to hide it and I tywraped it on a screw from a light holder. But my initial thought was to put it on a stick that could put into the soil.Not really got a clear cut answer @Tim Lee
A friend has her house at pretty much the same temp and relative humidity as this place without issues growing emersed.
Have tried spraying emersed growth with RO water in a spray bottle, but the leaves become tatty and prone to mould. You can get DOOA wabi-kusa mist spray that wards this off. There’s also ultrasonic foggers that use an atomiser disc to produce mist that will cover the surface of the water. Good way to raise local humidity. How you sensibly do that in an aquarium filled to the brim though, not sure.
Thanks for the reply, have a couple of echinodorous that just shoot for the sky then go crispy after a while. Wondered if I was missing something.
Mentioned elsewhere am a marine enthusiast by experience and education so really great to have such experience on the forum so willingly shared.
I've done it you just have to place it behind some plants to hide it and I tywraped it on a screw from a light holder. But my initial thought was to put it on a stick that could put into the soil.
Considered this (putting an ultrasonic mist generator directly in the tank) but concerned about what the livestock may experience getting too close. Ideally would have it in a separate body of water, cascading down into the tank, such as in a hang on back unit. Top up the reservoir as and when. Helps if you know you want to do this upfront as you can design it in rather than trying to retrofit the solution. Green Aqua use foggers pretty well and completely hide them so it’s aesthetically pleasing.
Yes I was wondering that myself but it doesn't seem to bother the fish. I only run it for a few hours a day. I hid it behind some wood/plants you only need to have some space clear above it.
Cool box where you got it from?