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New beginnings


12 Aug 2018
West Yorkshire
Well I thought I should call this journal something positive. Other titles that occurred to me were "#### my paludarium died and this is what I salvaged"...but moving forward...

So it's an @Aquariums4life custom 60cm by 70cm by 50 cm high. Perfect silicone other than in the corner which got chipped when it was installed and led to it being relegated to the garage. Repaired with lots of silicone and hope. Drip wall from Green Frog, my usual mx of John Innes Number 3 in bags capped with sand. The rock work was bought from the Green Machine and is lava rock. The plants are assorted buce, anubias, floating plants with a few crypts thrown in.

The plants on the "wall" are cheap and cheerful supermarket discounted plants as a stand-in until I have the money and time to do this properly. My approach here is that the plants have two chances....

The fish are:

Bristlenose Plec x2
Peppered Corydorus x6
Green Neon x19

The concept for this is a rocky bank in a small pool. Aquel 2000, no CO2 and no dosing (osmscote only). The filter will be removed when the emersed plants establish.

An update on the tank. The emersed element is coming on nicely. Starting to develop and in another few months should be looking much better. The emersed element is suffering from my 'overfeeding' , two months without a water change, zero flow (the aquael 2000 filter discharges onto a rock to minimize disturbance), and too much light which has led (inevitably) to algae. I am rather hoping that the rapidly expanding colony of shrimp, the addition of a few nerite snails, and addressing the issues above will sort it in time. In the interim the plants are doing well and the fish seem happy...so all is well. A few photos are below. I know I should be deeply ashamed of the algae, rend my clothes and pull my hair while wailing 'woe is me'. But I am not that bothered or ashamed (shameless) it will pass. Oh just realised that Bristlenose Plecs change colour to blend into the substrate (or mine do). Amazing!20240502_021024.jpg20240502_020801.jpgI
The tank is developing. I want to plant out the right hand side and perhaps raise the light. It's messy, full of life and not particularly manicured but I love it. Any advice on How to develop this is more than welcome.20240926_223550.jpg
An update. I added a wall on the right hand side during Christmas. Cheap hygrolon (like) material bought from Aliexpress (which doesn't really work as intended) onto epiweb. A mixture of bargain/ reduced plants from the supermarket and local garden centre either secured using black thread or planted into small pots attached to the wall. It needs chopping back a bit, plants taking out and replanting, however, I thought that this should be a job for a cold winter night. Interestingly, as soon as the terrestrial plants started to take off the duckweed and other floating plants died off. The plan was to aim for a balanced system with the plants utilising nutrients from the fish with a occasional dosing of trace elements. This hasn't worked and I am now dosing ....

Darrel that explains why my Salvinia stopped spreading on my emmersed Spider Plant aquarium, it's still healthy but l guess the emmersed plant taken over shading the surface area is mopping up nutrients although health of immersed is very good
Hi all,
Darrel that explains why my Salvinia stopped spreading on my emmersed Spider Plant aquarium
Yes I think it probably does. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is famously difficult to kill, mainly because it can tick over on very low nutrient levels (and with considerable neglect) but then grow explosively if nutrients become available.
taken over shading the surface area
That may be relevant as well.

cheers Darrel
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