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Journal Nelson's Wabi's

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How about we all make one at the same time from the same glass object
Only if you get the same glass object that I've already got :lol:.
Hi all,It is probably a humidity issue in the house in the winter.
And summer,can't grow them indoors in the summer either :lol:.
I like the flowering Utricularia.
It flowered for 3-4 months.15-20 flowers continuously 🙂.
Hi Guys,
I've currently got hygrophilia pinnatifida as a background plant in my shallow tank. I am however finding that the emersed growth has burnt tips on its leaves, with new growth above the water surface being limited and drying out. It is however thriving in its submersed form. Any ideas on how I can get this to grow successfully emersed would be great!
Probably not enough humidity.
It'll be better starting a new thread.
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