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Journal Nelson's Wabi's

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Nice one Neil....love the bowl!
What's the plant names in it....
This needs a trim 😳.
Any chance of a emersed swap?
Hi Hoggie.
Not really sure what's in there 😳.Myriophyllum matogrossense for sure :lol:.
Then maybe 🙄,
Ludwigia Palustris
Rotala sp Yao Yai
Rotala sp Green

They would all be leggy and probably messy though,unless they were just cuttings.
Did another tray of cuttings.Just left on a table outside.


This needs a trim 😳.



Also did four new balls.Looser than my 1st two.No pics yet 🙄.

Amazing...and lovely looking garden as well🙂
Awsome what you got goin on there.. :woot:
Finally trimmed this 🙄.
Make sure you'll clean it in time.. The deposite on the glass will only get worse till it aint transparant anymore looking like etched glass. I guess now, as is, you already need vinegar to get off what's already there. Do it soon, if you wait till it's full with plant growth again and realy white, any plant touched with pure viniar will die..

After it's clean, spray with demineralized water only, this can't stain. since it contains none.. Add ferts (with tap water) exclusively on the soil not with spraying on the glass. You end up with milky stained glass again over time.

It aint much work if you just keep up the regime 😉 Spraying demineralized, adding ferts exclusively on the soil not on the glass, glass doesn't need ferts and hates calcium.. :thumbup:
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