Yep... my bad. Apologies.Hi Paulo, thats kind of what I thought... 🙂 Just wanted to make sure in case a bug crept in... sorry for bugging you!
Yep... my bad. Apologies.Hi Paulo, thats kind of what I thought... 🙂 Just wanted to make sure in case a bug crept in... sorry for bugging you!
Hi @JustYourAvgJoe Yes, way too early for fish - as already pointed out. Definitely keep up the WCs and see of you can toss in a large bunch of cheap fast growing plants such as Water Wisteria.I set this tank up at the end of January and I added a few fish approximately 9 or 10 days later. I wanted to add fish once the “carpet” had evolved but the process just would of been too long. So far I haven’t lost a single fish
You can just add a few strips of black water-proof electrical tape or similar to cover up some of the LEDs.Unfortunately I can’t reduce the lights because they are either on or off. I was thinking about getting a light setup where I can change the kelvin and intensity but it just wasn’t viable with the cost
I would put them in the substrate, but a pot can do if you don't want them to be permanent residents.Yes I’m going to get some floating plants for the tank, I actually really like the look of them which is a bonus. As for the stem plants… can I just have them in a pot and not actually planted into the substrate?
How many, how big, and what species?I set this tank up at the end of January and I added a few fish approximately 9 or 10 days later.
Hi all,
OK, you are going to need to keep changing water, because your tank won't be "cycled", even in the traditional sense. Have a look at /']Seasoned Tank Time[/URL]">.
I'm an Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) fan, but any /']floating plant will do the same job[/URL]">. I've got plenty of spare /']Salvinia"> [/URL]and /']Azolla[/URL]"> if you can't find any for sale. I've just given away a load of Amazon Frogbit, but I'll have some more soon.
I like /']Ceratophyllum and Ceratopteris[/URL]"> as non-attached floating stems.
cheers Darrel
Will do, I nearly always have spare.Hi Darrel, would you mind letting me know when you have some Frogbit please, thank you
a 25ltre tank for those fish?! Oh. I know they're only ~3cm but a much longer tank is needed