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Nano Shrimp Tank

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zoe
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Thank you, bazz! Hopefully it goes away soon enough 🙂

I got a couple of snails to help with the diatoms (and possible the little bit of algae!) Here’s a tank update:


I’m happy with the growth on all the plants so far, I’m loving having the snails to watch, no more staring at an empty tank 😆
Starting to get nitrates and nitrites showing on the test strips (I know these aren’t the most accurate but they’ll do for now) I’m dosing with seachem stability (have seachem matrix in the filter) and doing water changes every other day, hopefully this just means all the right stuff is getting established!
Update for this week:

Hair grass is putting out some good roots so hopefully it’ll be spreading like a weed soon! I trimmed the moss and trimmed out some of the hair grass that was getting algae, on the plus side it’s not getting worse and the plants are otherwise happy and growing well, I’ve reduced my photoperiod by an hour to see if that helps at all.

Also good news the nitrites were lower when I tested this morning, and gone post water change this afternoon so I’m happy the snails are ok!
Tank seems much more settled now, one of my snails died but I think it was on it’s way out when I got it, the other one is absolutely fine, always out and about and cleaning stuff up!

Got two shrimp today, will see how these ones go then hopefully more in a few weeks!

Good morning Zoe,
It's good to see you have new growth on all of your plants so things are going in right direction. Those Diatoms will surely disappear before long and I know some will say to just leave it but I can't help thinking some of those Anubias leaves would benefit from a light rub between the fingers. I would also try and keep clean that area right at the front where the substrate meets the water column, it gets a lot of light, direct from lamp, ambient light and refracted light (think that's the correct word) that travels down in the glass and can become an ideal breeding ground for Cyano or some form of algae. Obviously, if were to do this do it just before a water change.
Thank you, bazz! I’ve cleaned a few of the clumps so will try and get the rest next water change! Do you mean the bit in front of the hairgrass?
Took a picture when I put the shrimp and new snail in, so I could compare the cleaning they did, and this is what they did in one day!

Glad the forum is back online!

The tank seems to be doing well! I need to top it up this evening. Now have 10 shrimp who are living happily, and down to one snail as I found the other dried up behind the tank 🤦🏻‍♀️

Excitingly today I spotted some babies!