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Name this Cactus!

G H Nelson

Global Moderator
14 Dec 2008
Hemel Hempstead
After nearly killing this plant last year....it seems to like the way I've treated it since then!
More water and some Gro-Sure Slow-release fertilizer.
Cactus in flower 3rd Nov 2023.jpg

Hi all,
Yes, indeed I think you sent me it with some others!
I got one via a <"dead relative"> of my wife's about 25 years ago. They are very easy to propagate as a cutting.

They are low maintenance house plants (just need cool, light and dry in the winter) and only really offensive the day the flower opens (and that is pretty offensive).
I did have two flower spikes....one snuffed it!
Each flower only last about three days. If they are pollinated (unsurprisingly by Blue or Green Bottle flies) you get a big seed pod full of silky seeds.

cheers Darrel
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