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NACD Nature Aquarium

Looking great.
I think with your plant mass and growth then adding a small shrimp cuc, which offer little to a bioload, will be fine in week 5 and will have your wood clean as a whistle in no time 😀
Looking great.
I think with your plant mass and growth then adding a small shrimp cuc, which offer little to a bioload, will be fine in week 5 and will have your wood clean as a whistle in no time 😀

Thanks for the compliments Ady.

So no shrimp until 5 weeks have passed?

I don’t know what cuc means sorry haha!


Rock removed that held the wood down. Can’t wait till this grows in.

If anyone has plant suggestions for the blank space in the middle towards the back that would be appreciated as I can’t decide myself, cheers!

Thanks for the compliments Ady.

So no shrimp until 5 weeks have passed?

I don’t know what cuc means sorry haha!

Sorry, I had misread your previous post which referred to “the end of the week, 5 amano shrimp”, I had read as the end of week 5. You are week 2 now, so still early days but if you can get some seeded filter media from another hobbyist I think a small group of shrimp will be ok, however normally it is best to leave for around 6 weeks.
Cuc is ‘clean up crew’.
I heard that shrimps aren't sensitive to ammonia so you could add them now (from tropica starter guide)
There not to sensitive it's more the constant changing conditions with the water changes your doin that slow down as the weeks pass I believe
I wouldn't add any shrimps yet, as the carpet is not full and they love to doing mess in the soil...

Some snails would help to reduce fungus on Wood and so on
I wouldn't add any shrimps yet, as the carpet is not full and they love to doing mess in the soil...

Some snails would help to reduce fungus on Wood and so on

Carpet seems to be rooting well, I’ll add a few and deal with the mess haha!

Can’t buy snails from any of my lfs unfortunately and I’m not one for buying livestock online.

Wait a while.Its not a big deal.It goes as it comes.Ottos,shrimp and snails will eat it overnight when tank is ready.
Meanwhile have some toothbrush exercise
Regards Konsa
Cheers for the kind words Dave, took ages to plan! I’m glad the plants are looking healthy and growing, I have a question for you guys however...

My drop checker looks like this 5 minutes before lights off. The co2 comes on 2hrs before lights come on and off 1 hour before the lights go off.dceee9e1cd66b845d556b1003c416510.jpg
My question is, how do I slowly tailor the co2 timings/levels to read green all the time as livestock will be introduced around the 4-5 week?

I want to ease it in to avoid algae at all costs lol!

Any help on this would be appreciated.

The hard scape used in this tank had a pretty wild ride from lfs to home. 710b10de1018520041c40e01896e02c8.jpg

Cheers guys,
Don't worry about co2, livestock can be used to these high levels of co2 without any problem.
Thanks cookies, your help is always appreciated!

So a day into week 3, top picture is today and bottom the day after setup.
Good growth all around!

The Pogestemon is finally growing, the Rotala is also growing fast and adapting nicely. The Pinnifitida’s older leaves have melted away making room for the lush new growth. Monte Carlo and Eleocharis are spreading well. Buce’s and Anubias have new roots and looks to be shooting new growth. Crypts looking healthy with the new submerged leaves, the Staurogene too!

Starting to see some brown diatoms on the glass, nothing on the plants as of yet 😀 I’ll have a good maintenance session tomorrow and clean this up.

Here’s a filtered in situ picture 🙂 9d15c77f1171cd36e670ee746642696d.jpg

Cheers guys,
seems very healthy congrats.:clap:

About mc, is your topup water at the good temp. Otherwise don't worry too much, it's still in transition phase.
Thanks for the kind words guys!

Cookies, yes I do try to keep the water temp as close as possible to the norm, your right, must be a transitional thing 🙂

Chuffed with the plant growth.


Should have a few Amanos this weekend. I'll keep you updated as always.


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