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NACD Nature Aquarium

Thanks for the kind words guys!

Cookies, yes I do try to keep the water temp as close as possible to the norm, your right, must be a transitional thing 🙂

Chuffed with the plant growth.


Should have a few Amanos this weekend. I'll keep you updated as always.


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You're welcome.

Beware with the amanos, they can make some serious mess with the soil while your carpet is not full.

If you absolutely want them now, take the smallest ones! 😉
Thanks for the tip, I can only imagine the destruction large Amanos would cause lol! My LFS only has small ones, jobs a gooden 🙂
Woke up this morning to no shrimp in the tank. I panicked!

Upon checking the skimmer I found them all there. I have got mesh blocking the inlets but somehow they have climbed over it and dropped into the skimmer.

Any suggestions for a better method of keeping them out?

Cheers guys,
Make it much smaller and put it inside the top skimmer part.

That's what I did before and they climbed over it haha! I can't make the mesh any taller either or the whole top portion would just sink under water even on the lowest setting.

I don't mind the eye sore as long as the shrimp are okay 😀

Well, I was looking to get some shrimps for my 60p but that pic..:wideyed:😱 Lucky you they aren't dead.
Well, I was looking to get some shrimps for my 60p but that pic..:wideyed:😱 Lucky you they aren't dead.

Theyre okay now! Lucky the flow on my skimmer is on the lowest setting. Make sure to take extra precautions with the Skimmer if you get shrimp, I've learnt my lesson. This method with the gauze works well so far 😀
I run mine on a timer to just run at night for 6 hrs. Still keeps the surface clear but I only get the odd cherry shrimp in it now,where before it was full of them every time I cleaned it🙁.

The timer idea would be great but the skimmer is my main source of flow for the co2 distribution as demonstrated by Fillipe Oliveira.

Reflecting on this morning, I never want to see a shrimp in there again.. They looked almost frightened. And boy was they happy to be out, I've never saw shrimp swimming around a tank so fast in my life haha!

More melt on the MC I've just noticed, opposite end of the tank.

Is melt common on 1-2 grow MC in new setups?

Cheers guys,
Nice solution you got there man, mine is running 24/7 too as I use the same method to have good flow of CO2.

I think the gauge will help to avoid any plants cutting to get in there too and still be efficient enough to help after trimming.😎

I might try this If I find some nice shrimp, thanks for pics and tip! :thumbup:
I'm glad my creativity has inspired you cookies!

In regards to the MC melt... It seems to be spreading to whatever it touches, the crypts and the hairgrass are now showing signs of melt. Ideas?


Okay some self diagnosis time...

I have reduced the light by two steps on the dimmer to slow down growth and melt. I have also changed the CO2 so it comes on 3hrs before lights and off 2hrs before lights off.

I've done some deep reading and discovered the drop checker needs to read lime green as soon as the lights are on. Mine was currently reading a dark green when the lights came on causing a CO2 deficiency when the plants most need it.

This change should give me a lime green checker when the lights come on and drop off sooner when the plants do not require the CO2 as much.

After some thinking on my water change technique I have noticed a problem. I refill the last part of the aquarium straight out the bucket onto the lilly to minimise disruption but coincidentally this is in the same location where the plants are experiencing the most melt. Also, when water changing, the filter is left on, causing a huge change in the rate of flow due to less water in aquarium. This is causing damage to the structure of some other plants, you guessed it, where the other patch of melt is beginning.

I will be removing as much melt as I can tomorrow with a big maintenance session.

Water changes will now occur with the filter off and the water added very slowly at the end taking care to not disrupt any plants.

I feel like this is a big contributor to the demise of the MC, there is definitely structural damage coming from the fresh water and flow out the lilly pipe during a water change.

Hopefully this edges towards finding the balance, it's still early days and I love a challenge. I'll keep you guys updated.
