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NA Island Journal

Just a small update.

I've hacked back the Rotala and re-used the healthier stems to increase the density of the stems at the back. So in a month or so I can begin to shape the 'bush'. I've also trimmed the larger leaves off the Microsorum as it looked too big for the scape.

I've upped the water changes and number of shrimp in the tank, I've also reduced lighting intensity. Hopefully these changes will see off the diatoms and save my HC carpet. I have given the HC a trim in the areas that were badly affected by diatoms to allow for new growth. Here's how it's looking now:

FTS - Day 42 by Dan.Mullan, on Flickr

One thing that I find slightly annoying, the light spill from the lights only illuminates half the wall behind the tank. I'll have to get some additional lighting for when I'm ready to take the final shots of the tank.

Cheers for looking
Hi Dan,
a. bonsai has grown in really well, looks great!
I think the reduction in lighting intensity, increased water changes and more shrimp will see the diatoms off :thumbup:
a. bonsai has grown in really well, looks great!
Agreed, tried that in my tank and it didn't do too well, was under a lot of shade that might have been the problem, tank is coming along nicely 🙂 well done.
a. bonsai has grown in really well, looks great!
Agreed, tried that in my tank and it didn't do too well, was under a lot of shade that might have been the problem, tank is coming along nicely 🙂 well done.

Thanks guys 🙂 I think that I've been pretty lucky with the Bonsai to be honest. I do think that the 1-2 Grow! plants are really good for a tank like this, due to the small size of the plant when new, it grows fairly quickly and very compact in this set-up. I've never used it before and it's one of my favourite stem plants.

In other news, the diatoms haven't got any worse. I'm going to trim an area of Lilaeopsis today pre w/c to see if that improves growth. The diatoms are still visible on the HC, as a result of the algae it has lost it's bright green colour it once had. It's now a yellow-ish green. Hopefully I've beaten the diatoms this week with daily maintenance and w/c's and things will look better at the weekend.
Hi Dan, I haven't been active on the forum for a year or so after packing up my old tank. After seeing you're journal I was so impressed I have ordered myself a new tank and stand from NA 🙂
Hi Dan, I haven't been active on the forum for a year or so after packing up my old tank. After seeing you're journal I was so impressed I have ordered myself a new tank and stand from NA 🙂

Thanks mate 🙂 pleased to hear you've liked it so far. Glad to hear you like the NA stuff. I wish I'd ordered some glassware from them when I ordered my stuff, such good value.

It's funny that when I found Natural Aquario, I thought not many people knew about them but apparently they're quite well known over here. The quality is really good, I actually had to get a replacement cabinet but they were really good. Just pm me if you want to know anything. Don't forget to journal. :happy:
Hi all,

Just thought I'd update quickly. Things are moving pretty slowly at the moment, which is not necessarily a bad thing. After my week trying to fight off the diatoms not much changed really. I hadn't really noticed any difference in the amount of algae in the affected areas like the HC carpet. So I knew I had to make some changes if I was going to get rid of it.

I started by decreasing the light intensity and upping the CO2, but continued dosing my dry powders. Unfortunately the CO2 ran out while I was away from the tank for about 2-3 days so the diatoms were worse when I got back. After a trip to fill my canisters, I did a huge water change, cleaned the filter and removed about half of the media to improve flow. I've stopped dosing ferts as well for the time being to see if I can kick the diatoms with co2 and easycarbo.

This is how things are running at the moment:

CO2: 3pm-9pm
Lights: 5pm-10pm @ 10% intensity
5ml easy carbo every day
No dry ferts

I'll update at the weekend with pics
hi dan, sorry to ask but won't cutting ferts lead to worse plant health i'm no expert but ferts don't cause algae but poor plant health will, your doing the right thing with decreased lighting more co2 water changes etc, but personally i'd carry on feeding my plants.hope things take a turn for the better mate 🙂

Stopping your ferts will only weaken your plants dan which will make the diatoms worse. Now you have increased co2 the demand for other nutrients will also be higher.

Thanks guys, I decided not to cut ferts in the end, hopefully this helped. Don't know what I was thinking really.
Update time, pretty much 2 months in now.

Here's a few shots of the tank and plants: (Poor pictures, just quick snaps)

Front Right - 2 months by Dan.Mullan, on Flickr

HC - 2 Months by Dan.Mullan, on Flickr

Plants - 2 Months by Dan.Mullan, on Flickr

Left side - 2 Months by Dan.Mullan, on Flickr
I feel a bit lost at this point. The diatoms seem to be mainly gone, the HC carpet still has some in areas.

I think the last month of playing with the amount of lighting and co2 has affected the health of the plants, I came home to a nasty bio-film thursday. The rotala hasn't really grown much since its last trim (2 weeks ago?) and the new leaves from the A.Bonsai are a bit 'crinkly' like a crisp. Generally, growth is very slow. But this is what I expected during and after the fight against diatoms.

I could do with some advice as to what to do now.

My knowledge and instincts tell me to slowly increase the lighting, with high co2 + flow, and perhaps increase dry ferts whilst dosing 4-5ml of easy carbo every day. I do a W/C of about 40% every weekend.

With regards to my ferts, I currently dose:
- 1x 1/4 teaspoon of KNO3 + 3x 1/32 teaspoon of KH2PO4
- 3x 1/32 teaspoon of TNC trace... on alternate days with 2 rest days before W/C day.

My question is, with the amount of plant mass should I be dosing more than I am? (The bio film indicates plant decay therefore they're not happy about something)
Also should I just have 1 rest day?

I'd really appreciate any advice, and thanks for looking 🙂 I know nothing good ever happens quickly in a planted tank.
Don't worry to much about biofilm, dan, there's a million and one reasons for this, so don't think it's just the plant health.

Since using purigen (touch wood) I haven't had a problem with diatoms, for me this helps big time. Have you thought about adding some to your filter?

Also, I would up the water changes to maybe two 40% for the time being. I would continue dosing what you're dosing tbh.
As Ian has said your dosing is right so no need to increase unless you have soft water then adding MGSO4 would be worthwhile trying.
Adding light is never a solution, upping tank maintenance, filter cleans and co2 if the fauna allow is the path...

Biofilm is a ball ache, upping water changes help a lot. Ive been fighting it for 8 months and still not eradicated it entirely, though it is only visible a day or 2 before water change day now.
Hi Dan, The scape looks great a really nice layout. A good read from the start..... as for the film, is it thick or thin? If it's thin then some simple surface movement at night will see it disappear easily. As Iain says upping W/C is also a great help but if you also move the spray bar so that the water is breaking the surface and creating good agitation the film will disappear. Lower the spray bar back during the day so you do not gas off the Co2.
I actually really like the scape mate, very well balanced and calm. I would maybe suggest moving the cluster of tall stem plants on the right hand side to the back of the tank behind the rock? it seems to be covering up the beautiful rock? other than that, Im really liking it for sure 🙂

Since using purigen (touch wood) I haven't had a problem with diatoms, for me this helps big time. Have you thought about adding some to your filter?
How much would you suggest for a 27l tank buddy?
I actually really like the scape mate, very well balanced and calm. I would maybe suggest moving the cluster of tall stem plants on the right hand side to the back of the tank behind the rock? it seems to be covering up the beautiful rock? other than that, Im really liking it for sure 🙂

How much would you suggest for a 27l tank buddy?

I went off of viktors suggestion and doubled the suggested amount by seachem. In the 60cm I'm using 350mls, which is way to much. If you're using an external on the 27ltr then a 100ml pouch will be more than sufficient.
Thanks for your comments guys.

I will start doing large W/C's on friday and sat.

I'll order some Purigen, it seems that only packs of 100ml are bagged. Would I need to buy a filter bag if I want to use more than that? Say around 250-300ml?

I went off of viktors suggestion and doubled the suggested amount by seachem. In the 60cm I'm using 350mls, which is way to much. If you're using an external on the 27ltr then a 100ml pouch will be more than sufficient.

Are there any disadvantages to using more than the recommended amount other than loss of flow?

Thanks for your comments guys.

I will start doing large W/C's on friday and sat.

I'll order some Purigen, it seems that only packs of 100ml are bagged. Would I need to buy a filter bag if I want to use more than that? Say around 250-300ml?

Are there any disadvantages to using more than the recommended amount other than loss of flow?

Flow is pretty good with purigen as its round and small. I use a TMC bag, but I do find that purigen can get though the little holes. I hear a pair of tights work though. Make sure they're opaque though, so colour doesn't run from them. The more the better ime. Tis a god send.