Hi all,
today is day 10 for this tank
😀 ... Here's an update from the end of week one.
So planting was successful and the tank didn't explode. Fortunately, unlike with some of my other planted tanks, I didn't come home to find all my HC had floated out of the substrate. Not a single plant, which was nice.
Here's a better view of the substrate so you can see the plants a bit better.
Plants Layout - Day 5 by
Dan.Mullan, on Flickr
I spent the first few days trying to get the amount of co2 right. As the tank was only filled and finished by the 3rd of December, there is no livestock. So I was not worried when I came home from work to what I thought was unclear water, but actually turned out to be a huge cloud of co2 mist. The drop checkers were a very light green even yellow colour. I adjusted this over the next couple of days, closing the needle valve slightly and also adjusting the working pressure on my reg until I felt I was injecting the right amount of co2.
Here are my timings:
-co2 comes on at 14:00.
-Lights come on at 16:00, and slowly ramp up to 100% over 2.5 hours.
-Lights are at 100% output for 1.5 hours.
-Lights ramp down to 0% over 2.5 hours.
-co2 off at 21:00
-Lights off at 22:00
I've set it to start late in the day so the lights are on when I'm home from work. I haven't felt the need to change the timings since I filled the tank, this seems to work and I've focused more on getting co2 right.
These pictures from day 5 (after water change) show the mist before I lowered the working pressure.
HC - Day 5 by
Dan.Mullan, on Flickr
Green Rotala - Day 5 by
Dan.Mullan, on Flickr
The flow from the filter is excellent, I can see the flow of the water carrying co2 to all parts of the tank so this is one major factor that I haven't had to worry about so far. Also I think the flow/co2 distribution is helped by the way the substrate is banked up towards the back.
The UP inline atomizer seems great as well.It's amazing how small the co2 bubbles are compared to the glass diffusers I used to have.It's working well with my working pressure set to 2.2-2.4 bar.
The first 5 days showed some quite good growth, not in term of size/height but mainly in the health of the plants. Gaining colour and growing new leaves. Even though I didn't use any ferts for the first 5 days the plants would all be pearling like mad by the middle of the photoperiod.
I also did my first water change on day 5 (sat 8th)
Day 5 - W/C by
Dan.Mullan, on Flickr
I removed about 1/3rd of the water, cleaned the glass and filled back up with tap water and de-chlorinated. The tiles are easy to move up and down the cables to allow room for maintenance whilst lighting the tank so I can see what I'm doing. The wires are held behind the lighting arm with adjustable metal brackets.
I also started dosing dry ferts after the w/c which I'll go into in my next update.
My favourite plant so far,
Amannia sp. 'Bonsai' - Day 5 by
Dan.Mullan, on Flickr
The quality of Tropica plants from TGM.
H. Callitrichoides - Day 5 by
Dan.Mullan, on Flickr
Thanks for looking

Comments welcomed as always.