Hey al, sorry for the late reply, must have missed it.
Really dont know what causes this in the 2080 range, a chink in the Eheim armor? However i guess the fact it doesnt effect performance really makes it irrelevant.Well, all the pipes are getting equally as dirty as each other so guess they are all working
Ive been a bit slack updating this journal so will add what info i can for anyone interested in the minor changes and some pics later.
Over the last few weeks ive still been increasing co2 in way that would absolutely be impossible with my previous needle valves. Its also very reassuring to know i can give the co2 a quarter turn with no risk of gassing the fish, i used to only adjust co2 when i knew id be home most of the period. I still dont feel im anywhere near the max level as even with continued tweaking up the fauna are massively active. (I only say this to know where the max is to then wind back from, before anyone jumps on me
🙂 ) Along with this ive been increasing light levels and now at 100% power for 6 hours running from a mechanical timer, thanks Ady!, while still at a good height from the surface. When i have more time to spend with the tank and time to monitor progress i will reduce the height until growth is as i would like.
Blyxa Aubertii is a non starter, it just wont grow. Following a chat with george i dont think i will ever find out why... ph, gh, kh, tds??? who knows, i just cant grow it. So will remove this on thursday ready for cyperus helferi to arrive from ed shortly after. I tossed around a few ideas of replacing with asian stems but didnt feel any would really give the look i was after.... if you have any other ideas id love to hear them.
Rest of the plants are doing well, bolbitus is now putting out new leaf from the rhizomes, japonica going well, pinna should look great in a few more weeks and moss will need a trim soon.
Still dosing 50% dose of micros 4 days a week and 50% all in one 2 days a week which is likely unnecessary judging by the massive amount of shrimp poo providing NPK.
Am now running with 75% RO with 25% being hot water to bring up to temp and then remineralize to 180TDS. Although many would say this isnt needed i wanted to try an RO tank and also that the stocking choices ideally like softer water than my liquid rock tap.
A new addition was the
Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki, got 6 for now and will likely add to the group later. They sure are 'munki's' as within a day they had rooted out every gap between the rocks and started to pull the black substrate onto the sand!! Vacuumed all that out and blocked any holes with pebbles that will be covered by moss as it grows in which has solved the issue....touch wood. Quality fish though, non stop action as they scout the sand and swim mid water but think they will benefit from some other fish in the tank as the Denisonii's arent too keen on their continued attention and always wanting to touch. What i hadnt expected was there constant chatting especially when food goes in the tank or i walk up to it. i like to think they're telling me how happy they are lol click click 🙂
Feeding is an issue, pretty much just live food for now because any other food gets decimated by the Amano army before anything else even gets a look it. Im hoping once more fish are in along with more plant mass this will become less of a problem. Will also start adding some peas and spinach soon as the barbs go crazy for it and read the monkeys are equally as keen.
Got an email today saying my other barbs have arrived and should be delivered this week 😀 Then will be asking some opinions for the last stocking option once these are all settled.
Anyway ive got all the camera gear out to try and grab some images after dark that ill post later tonight.