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Mysterious Garden Algae/Bacteria!

Hi all,

Cyanobacteria, it is a Nostoc sp.

Cheers Darrel
Cheers Darrel
The image was posted on Nextdoor the local neighbourhood social media platform!
I thought Cyano, may have come from an aquarium as it looks as though there is Fissidens sp next to it.
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Discovered something similar on my roof tiles. Still not certain it ain’t bird poop. Either way it’s a cornucopia of moss.

Hi all,
Discovered something similar on my roof tiles. Still not certain it ain’t bird poop.
Not sure, I'm going animal rather than vegetable, but I like the mosses.

The "grey, furry" one is a Grimmia pulvinata & the green one a Bryum, Tortula, Synthichium or Barbula sp. <"Common mosses on walls - British Bryological Society">.

Possibly Tortula muralis? Because of the shape and abundance of the capsules?

cheers Darrel
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