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My venture into my new 760 ltr planted tank .

Nice work Simon, it must be gratifying to finally see some plants in after so much work.
Hope it continues to go well for you :thumbup:
cheers, tel
Everything is looking good. Been cutting any poor leaves off. No big melt yet but sure its on the way.
Plants have straightened themselves up a bit now. Water change happened ok and feeding and trace went in. Everything seams to be working as expected. Nearly all the plants have some movement.
Finished the woodwork around the tank .
Got a little camcorder gizmo so will try some video.
Taking pictures is going to be a nightmare with all the reflections in the conservetry.
I presume some way of covering the windows will be the only way.

JamesM said:
Looks great with the added trim mate :thumbup:

The wife and I both like the built in look with things so that suited us perfectly.All our house is waxed pine so it matches all the other woodwork. Not a fan of the louvre doors but can sort that out later.
Gets rid of all the unsightly bits as well as cutting the light out from where we sit which was rather annoying. Remember we can only get about 4 feet away from the front of the tank.
Over the moon with it so far


There is only one word to sum this set up – spectacular

Well done, its a credit to you - cannot wait to see this when its fully grown.

Fantastic tank Simon, Can't wait to see some fish swimming in that.

Nearly at the end of day three and all is looking ok.
A couple of plants need replanting. Just not planted well enough in the first place. Plus its hard to do anything to one plant without affecting its neighbours until they get routed properly
I spent about an hour and a quarter on the tank before going to work this morning. I think it will be the same each day for a week or two. If I do it before work it gets done. After work anything can happen.
I cut any decaying leaves off and a general clean around the plants. Also removed and cleaned the pre filters. Also cleaned out the bits of plant from the prefilter section.
I have set the water change to happen at 7am now when I am there. Also the dosing pumps dose at this time as well. They dose into the pump chamber of the sump so on start up it gets pumped straight in. Dosing at this time allows me to see its happening ok as well.
Everything seams to be going as planned. fingers crossed.
How long do you think I should continue the daily water changes. I have the flow rates of hot and cold sorted now and get a good 24 to 26* of replacement water.
My lights are on for 6 hours. I am only running 4 of the 8 39w tubes. Should I have a bright spell for 1 hour with all 8 on or keep it as it is for the time
Also I am not getting any usable readings from the drop checker with these daily water changes.
All I can do is guess there is enough Co2 ,and wait to see what the plants say. I feel I am putting lots in , You cant count the bubbles in the bubble counter as there are to many to fast.

Hi Simon,
I reckon you can just do 3X per week changes. That's good enough. Why do you think you need a bright spell. Bright Spells typically spell disaster. :shock:

Thanks, will keep away from the bright spell..
I will change the water changes to three times a week from Saturday. Would I then feed three times a week.

In the EI scheme for world domination, each time you do a significant water change you must then immediately dose because you would have lowered the existing nutrient concentration by a percentage equal to the water change. So if you did a 50% water change, the nutrient levels will have dropped by 50%. If you were only doing a 10% water change then it's not that big of a deal. You might also need to dose 2 days after the last water change of the week. Lets see an example:

Sunday water change - need to dose NPK
Monday - Dose trace
Tuesday water change - need to dose NPK
Wednesday - Dose trace
Thursday water change - need to dose NPK
Friday - Dose trace
Saturday - (perhaps) need to dose NPK

Can you see that if you do not dose on the Saturday you might go almost 3 days without dosing NPK at the Sunday water change? this may or may not be a problem but it's better to keep the discipline, especially for mondo tanks.

Beg pardon, I never promised you a rose garden... :shifty:

Thanks Clive that makes sense.
At the moment I am dosing every day straight after the water change.
I will adopt the new timetable from Saturday.
I am on day 5 now and things are looking ok . Got a fair amount of melt on the crypts.
Some of the stem plants are growing well.

Yes I think you're doing OK. Newly planted Crypts will melt when there is less than stellar CO2. They should regrow, but this is indication number one....

ceg4048 said:
Yes I think you're doing OK. Newly planted Crypts will melt when there is less than stellar CO2. They should regrow, but this is indication number one....


I have upped the co2 a bit and also turned the spraybars a touch to reduce a bit of the surface agitation and drive more of it towards the front and down.
I am sure I am getting more than enough O2 from the sump so that should not be an issue.
Spent an hour having a tidy up of the dead leaves Etc.

Yep, that sounds like the thing to do. The transitional phase from emersed to submersed is traumatic so definitely remove all debris. Soon you'll start seeing the form and texture of the leaves changing and check for new growth at the nodes of stems or at the base of rosettes. To me this is the most exciting period where anticipation is at it's highest. I love the change in form.
