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My venture into my new 760 ltr planted tank .

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

What I meant is that Simon wish to use pump to dose the ferts 😉
Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

Oh, OK. Well if you'll pre-mix the powders you still don't need RO water. Tap water is fine. The amount of liquid added to a 760 tank + sump volume will not appreciably affect the chlorine content of the tank.

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

gzylo said:
What I meant is that Simon wish to use pump to dose the ferts 😉

That is what I will do eventually . I will need to.
To start with though I think I will go for the spooning it in method and I can then adjust the amounts individually.

Getting really excited now.

Just got to get a plant list together. I will spend some time over the long weekend on that. Would be good to get the plant order sorted. I am away on the weekend the 17th and 18th so I could try to get it planted on the following weekend.

Off to find out about 10" water filter cartridges for these massive water changes. Storing the water before hand is not an option. Nowhere to do it and I would need to preheat it. I need to make use of the combi boiler. After all is was bought just for the Koi originally

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

I think there are some carbon cartridges used to connect to hose when you wish to add some water to pond straight from tap. Seen them somewhere on the net few month back

If I were you I would use carbon filter to remove chlorine whatever the amount is if you wish to have any kind of livestock. Especially when water in uk has a lot of it.
Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

I think these will do the job. Need to find the flow rates for them

10 Inch KDF/GAC Cartridge For Heavy Metal and Chloramine Removal.
This Filter Contains 8 oz of KDF With The Remaining Filtration Media Being Granular Activated Carbon.
High - Performance Granular Activated Carbon Removes Free Chlorine, Odour, Organic Contaminants, Pesticides and Chemicals
The Filter Supplied Will be in a White Housing And Not Clear as in The Picture.
This cartridge fits inside a standard 10 Inch Filter Housing.
This filter is ideal where the removal of contaminants is required without removing beneficial minerals.

And This


10 Inch 5 Micron Carbon Block Filter
This Filter is Effective in Removing
Volatile Organic Chemicals
99.95% of Giardia and Cryptosporidium Cysts.

And this.

10 Inch Sediment Filter

10 inch 1 micron or 5 micron high capacity polypropylene sedimentary filter for the removal of sediments, dirt, sand and rust. This is normally used in the first stage of a multi stage water filter system.
Please specify either 1 micron or 5 micron at the time of ordering.

Perhaps the 5 micron first then the 1 micron as I have 4 pods .

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

Always Broke said:
...Off to find out about 10" water filter cartridges for these massive water changes...
Well, again, why not make life easy? You could do the carbon cartridge thing or you could just squirt a few drops of Typical Dechlorinator while the water is being added to the tank. It works instantly.

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

ceg4048 said:
Always Broke said:
...Off to find out about 10" water filter cartridges for these massive water changes...
Well, again, why not make life easy? You could do the carbon cartridge thing or you could just squirt a few drops of Typical Dechlorinator while the water is being added to the tank. It works instantly.


That would be good if I was there when the water change is happening. As it is automated and most Sundays I am not at home that will not work.
Also that involves picking up the bottle and squirting it in the tank. Far to much work for a Sunday :thumbup: :thumbup:

much easier to change a set of cartridges a couple of times a year. :thumbup:

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

just like to say simon this tread has been real interesting reading.. inspired me to start again. im going to start looking for another second hand tank to fit the space i have. maybe if im lucky ill find a 7' 3' 2' would be a bit bigger. then i can drill and do it right (no over flow boxes). ill do a new sump that does what i want it to do. wish id known then what i know now. didn't even want a planted tank when i started.. so ive learnt and changed so much thanks to ukaps(all you guys). thanks guys.
Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

ceg4048 said:
Always Broke said:
...I am going to use the EI method.This seams the best way forward for me I think from what I have read and doing 50% water changes is no problem. Now where is the best place to get what I need. Could someone give me a list in plane English that I can understand. I still am unsure of what quantity's to mix and also feed.
Well, this is child's play compared to what you have already done. Just pretend this is a 200 USG tank. If that's the case, then the dosing scheme is just 10X the dosing for the reference 20G tank.

Sunday – 50% or more Water Change then dose [2 teaspoon KNO3] + [1 teaspoon KH2PO4] + [2 teaspoon MgSO4]
Monday – 1 teaspoon Chelated trace mix
Tuesday - [2 teaspoon KNO3] + [1 teaspoon KH2PO4] + [2 teaspoon MgSO4]
Wednesday - 1 teaspoon Chelated trace mix
Thursday - [2 teaspoon KNO3] + [1 teaspoon KH2PO4] + [2 teaspoon MgSO4]
Friday – Rest
Saturday - Rest

Now this assumes a sump volume of zero. To make the adjustment for the sump simply determine what percentage the sump is of the tank and add that percentage to the dosages above. So lets say you have a 50G sump. If so then that means you need to add 25% more of everything - instead of 2 teaspoons KNO3, you'll need 2.5 teaspoons.

These are just your baseline numbers. You would adjust up if you note deficiencies or you could adjust down to save money if the baseline numbers work right off the bat. I'd buy the 2Kg bags first.


So for my liquid mix I can do the following for a 4 week batch

24tsp KNO3
12tsp KH2PO4
24tsp MGSO4
added to 1200ml water and dose 100ml per time

And 8tsp of trace added to 400ml water and dose 50ml per time.

Its all becoming clearer . So I then adjust the quantity's until the plants are happy .

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

Always Broke said:
Been finishing off the mechanics of it all.
All the sump is finished

This is my home-brew water change and top up system The relay on the right is the Circ pump control .It stops the pump when the sump level drops and the restarts it when it has risen again.
The one on the left is the water top up. It is operated by the top float in the sump.
the one in the centre is there to stop the auto top up working when the water change pump is running.
All simple stuff really but super reliable


These are the 3 float switches that control it all. Top one is water level control
Bottom two are circulation pump control. When the timer sets off the water change pump , the main circ pump still pumps water from the sump to the tank thus lowering the level in the sump.
First the auto top up float drops but the solenoid dose not open as the water change pump relay has disconnected it. Then the middle float drops, the pump still runs until the bottom float drops. The pump then stops . All the time the water change pump is still emptying the main tank.
When the bottom float drops the circ pump stops. The water in the return pipe drops back to the sump ,raising the level a bit. As it is not enough for the middle float to raise the pump dose not start.That is the reason for this float to take into account the water level going up after stopping the pump. When the timer stops on the water change pump the solenoid valve is reconnected and starts filling the main tank. This fills and overflows down the weirs into the sump where it the raises the circ pump top float and starts it going again. The level continues to rise until the top float lifts and cuts off the water feed. Water change complete. Simple :thumbup:


Re did the Co2. Spent ages playing with it. In the end it work just as good by injecting it into the input of the return pump.
This pump is 10,000 ltrs per hour at 110 watts.


Also made a new bubble counter. I will machine up a nice stainless cap for it when I have time


The timers are fitted. Just awaiting the lighting unite to plug into the two on the left.
the first one on the right is Co2 . The second is water change. By adjusting how long this is on for I can alter how much water gets changed. Set to change 50% once a week at the moment. Need some tidying of the wires yet.


This is the water feed from the solenoid valve for auto top up and water change. Heated to around 26* by the combi boiler


These are the Syphon breaks . the closest one is the pump out from the tank to waste for water changes The other is the main pump return .


I have just got the new weir covers to make when the black acrylic turns up , box in the water change pump and make the new spray bar. Light unite is on order.
Should all be good to go by next weekend .
I bought some 3mm PVC sheet and cut it to size for coloured backgrounds The wife wanted blue and I wanted black At the moment they are blue but I can turn them around and they will be black :thumbup: . They just sit behind the tank with some foam pads keeping them pushed against the glass.
Oh and still waiting for Parcel force to pick up my wood I bought :evil:


Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

Just bought this lot.
Thanks for the Help
Qty. Item Name Total
1 x Magnesium Sulphate
* Pack Size: 2 Kg

1 x Potassium Phosphate
* Pack Size: 2 Kg

1 x Chelated Trace Element Mix
* Pack Size: 2 Kg

1 x Potassium Nitrate
* Pack Size: 2 Kg

Also bought a pair of PERISTALTIC Dosing Pumps with a 4 roller heads

And my water pre filter Cartridge's
They recommend a 1gal per minute flow rate so I will run 2 sets in parallel so I can refill my water change in 30 mins instead of an hour

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

Always Broke said:
So for my liquid mix I can do the following for a 4 week batch

24tsp KNO3
12tsp KH2PO4
24tsp MGSO4
added to 1200ml water and dose 100ml per time

And 8tsp of trace added to 400ml water and dose 50ml per time.

Its all becoming clearer . So I then adjust the quantity's until the plants are happy .

Exactly. How easy was that? It is child's play after all! :wave:

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

ceg4048 said:
Always Broke said:
So for my liquid mix I can do the following for a 4 week batch

24tsp KNO3
12tsp KH2PO4
24tsp MGSO4
added to 1200ml water and dose 100ml per time

And 8tsp of trace added to 400ml water and dose 50ml per time.

Its all becoming clearer . So I then adjust the quantity's until the plants are happy .

Exactly. How easy was that? It is child's play after all! :wave:


Would not have got there without your help.
Just got to adjust the amount of water to suit the pumps now and I have a starting point.
Next up is the Co2 levels to sort.
So I am off to read your article

Thanks again Simon
Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

Always Broke said:
Just bought this lot.
Thanks for the Help
Qty. Item Name Total
1 x Magnesium Sulphate
* Pack Size: 2 Kg


Hi Simon,

If you want more Magnesium Sulphate pm me and I will send you 2 or 3 kg, just pay the postage.. 🙂

I bought 25kg of ebay and got lots..
Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

ghostsword said:
Hi Simon,

If you want more Magnesium Sulphate pm me and I will send you 2 or 3 kg, just pay the postage.. 🙂

I bought 25kg of ebay and got lots..

Thanks very much for the offer. I will take you up on that soon

Just finished off a few odd jobs

Plumbed in to 10" triple pods for the cartridges. One on the hot supply and one on the cold . I will set the flow rate to 1 gal per minute each as best I can


Fitted a few more sockets. You never seam to have enough.
One for each of the dosing pumps with timers and one for a small air pump that will agitate the mixes up a couple of times a week so they do not settle out as I will mix 4 weeks supply at a time. Need to get a timer for that and the air pump.


Bought a couple of containers to put the mixed liquids in from Asda


Got the heating going. Used a remote Stat to control the two 300W heaters . Much more accurate at 0.1*


Overall of the sump area


Off to do some gardening as its a lovely day but to windy for flying.

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

i found one 150w heater will heat my whole tank if placed in middle of sump but i guess having more would not matter as there only on when needed
Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

Be interesting to know a bit more on the remote temperature controller and where to get it from as im looking for a similar thing atm and so far only came up with the TC-10 with 0.1 'c accuracy.
Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

jonnyjr said:
Be interesting to know a bit more on the remote temperature controller and where to get it from as im looking for a similar thing atm and so far only came up with the TC-10 with 0.1 'c accuracy.

Look on ebay. Loads of temp stats
This is an older one from my Koi quarantine pond I used.
I bought one for the heated cupboard that the wife uses for her wine making a couple of months ago .
Different type of case but just as good. I think her's has duel 8A switched outlets.

Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam.

Is that a Bucker Bu 131 "Jungman" in your avatar?
