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My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank - Finished May 2012


14 Nov 2008
On a mountain in the Highlands of Scotland

This is my cherry shrimp breeding tank which sits next to my home office computer while i work all day. It has been running for about 6 months now and is my first attempt at Iwagumi. Sanzon Iwagumi to be precise.

Tank: Arctank 20L
Filter: Dennerle Nano Filter
Heating: Newattino 10w
Lighting: 2x11w arcadia CF plant bulbs with arcadia reflectors. Homebase desk lamp ballasts 😀
Substrate: Fine grains of eco-complete
CO2: Dennerle Crystal line CO2 Nano-set

29th Jun 2008 - Pre Iwagumi

6th Aug 2008 - Initial Setup

1st Oct 2008 - No CO2 yet just easycarbo but a finished scape

1st Oct 2008

1st Oct 2008 - Closer in

1st Oct 2008 - Happy Shrimp

6th Dec 2008 - Post CO2 - OH MY GOD IT PEARLS!!

9th Dec 2008 - Slightly messy shot, with new kit, of the reset tank as the ricca matt got too dense.

Other then potentially in the future looking at taking alot of the kit out of the tank and replacing it with lovely glassware i'm pretty content with leaving this tank as it is for now just generating new cherry shrimp. Allowing me more time to focus on my new 10L Dennerle nano.

Best Regards,


p.s OH MY GOD! I've just had an oto jump out of the tank after i wrote this and land on the floor next to me!! insane.
Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

Nice looking tank, will look great again when it fills in 🙂
Thanks for sharing

chump54 said:
is easier to 'replant' than trim?
You will need to do what John did here, after a while it gets too thick and you have to tear it down and redo it again.
On a nano tank is not so bad, I used to have a carpet of riccia in my 125 and that was a challenge, if it gets too thick the bottom layers will start to rot away due to lack of lighting.
Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

Nice looking tank. Have to say I preferred the look of the rocks before you cleaned them. Looked really natural.

Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

That's impressive growth with just easycarbo. I didn't think (submerged) riccia was possible without injected CO2.
Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

SuperColey1 said:
Nice looking tank. Have to say I preferred the look of the rocks before you cleaned them. Looked really natural.


i didnt actually clean them. it was the effect of adding CO2. Same dosing schedule, before with liquid CO2, after with actual CO2.

Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

Goodygumdrops said:
Looks good,would you mind explaining your lighting system?


I started by using 1 x 9w arc pod, i quickly added another couple when i was starting the ricca. Thus 27w of arcadia plant bulb CF. The setup involved too much visible wiring so i went hunting in shops for 11w desk lamps that would take the arcadia 11w plant bulbs. Found two lamps in homebase at £10 each, bought the bulbs and replaced the arcpods.

The bulk of the lamps is hidden behind my computer monitor leaving only the lamp tops visible on the top of the tank. I don't have a shot of it just now but here is one of the tank with a couple of the arc pods on from a while ago to show you where i mean.


Knowing how it all grows now i might have stuck with the 2 x9 w arc pods or done 2x 11w arcpods. I went browsing through oliver knotts galleries and discovered how little light you could actually use on these nano's while still getting the results you need.

I'm only running one Dennerle 9w light on my 10L Dennerle nano. I'm interested to see how that one pans out.

Best Regards,

Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

Cheers,that's given me food for thought.I've inherited a little tank that I have in mind to do open top,nothing fancy,but I don't want to spend a fortune on lighting for it.Desk lamps would probably be the way to go.
Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

Goodygumdrops said:
Cheers,that's given me food for thought.I've inherited a little tank that I have in mind to do open top,nothing fancy,but I don't want to spend a fortune on lighting for it.Desk lamps would probably be the way to go.

Technically this isnt an open top. There is a glass sheet over it. I actually had to get it re-cut to fit all the wires and mountings for the arc pods.

If it was true open id have probably stuck with the arcpods as they are water proof. The desk lamps have no splash protection and in my case are as close to the water as i can get them (about an inch away).

You could always get a bit of glass cut to size to act as a lid for your tank, shouldnt be that expensive if it is quite a small tank. Will help prevent extra evaporation and suicidal oto's.

Best Regards,

Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

hijac - you've done exactly what I've though of today! =]

I've looked at buying a Arc 35Litre tank instead of the 20Litre, to put on my beside table.

And you've gone for carpet which is what I'd like to achieve, so if you could give me any tips... please head over to my thread, as I don't want to steal your thread.


Would be my first attempt at carpet, and a planted tank as such. I've got plants in my Rio300 but not heavily, just here and there.
Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

hi this question is irrelivent to the fishkeeping side,
is your monitor the samsung sm2032mw or the smasung sm2032bw?

im looking to get one in the january sales is it any good..

tank is looking cool, any close ups of it
Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

Themuleous said:
Love the tank and scape, riccia is a great plant, if not uber intensive to manage long term.

Your P.herferi looks to be lacking trace as its truning white. Worth upping the amount of trace you add 🙂



ive been struggling with the AE trace mix and getting the correct dosing on both my tanks. I've upped the dose on this tank recently and seen better results. But have lost a couple of shrimp...hmm.

Nabhan Khan said:
hi this question is irrelivent to the fishkeeping side,
is your monitor the samsung sm2032mw or the smasung sm2032bw?

im looking to get one in the january sales is it any good..

tank is looking cool, any close ups of it

I think it is a bw from what i can remember, ive had issues with it due to the colour calibration software supplied with it and the other cal software ive got installed. Next time i do a fresh windows install i'm leaving it off.

No close up shots other then the ones on the first page.


Re: My Shrimp Sanzon Iwagumi - 20L Arctank

hijac said:
Goodygumdrops said:
Looks good,would you mind explaining your lighting system?


I started by using 1 x 9w arc pod, i quickly added another couple when i was starting the ricca. Thus 27w of arcadia plant bulb CF. The setup involved too much visible wiring so i went hunting in shops for 11w desk lamps that would take the arcadia 11w plant bulbs. Found two lamps in homebase at £10 each, bought the bulbs and replaced the arcpods.

The bulk of the lamps is hidden behind my computer monitor leaving only the lamp tops visible on the top of the tank. I don't have a shot of it just now but here is one of the tank with a couple of the arc pods on from a while ago to show you where i mean.


Knowing how it all grows now i might have stuck with the 2 x9 w arc pods or done 2x 11w arcpods. I went browsing through oliver knotts galleries and discovered how little light you could actually use on these nano's while still getting the results you need.

I'm only running one Dennerle 9w light on my 10L Dennerle nano. I'm interested to see how that one pans out.

Best Regards,


Hi again,

Just a couple more pictures to expand this point as i had the camera out.

Behind the scenes

Real tank vs Virtual tank

Gave it a trim today for the second time since the reseeding of the ricca stones

The green spot algae on the rocks is coming back since i switched back to using AE trace, I prefer it though.

Best Regards,
