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My shallow tank.

I reckon there are around 4-5 fry in the main tank. To try and get a few more I have moved 2 females and a male (nightmare to catch) to a tank by themselves with lots of moss and watercress to try and get a better fry return.

Lets see what happens!
It would be a great tank for a beta. As long as the CPD's left it's fins alone. Would add a great splash of colour and would be fun to watch roaming it's territory 🙂
We have one in 26'C very happy 🙂 what temp you running?
2 females and one male in here at the moment:

IMG_6249.md.jpg IMG_6250.md.jpg IMG_6251.md.jpg

The male is constantly displaying so I will pull them out tomorrow - give them 48 hours and then wait and see what happens.

If anybody is interested there is moss in the back right corner and the other plants are stems of watercress. Feeding microworms and daphnia.
lovely! Could look at this for hours.
Looks very Asian, Far East.
May i ask where do you get your influence from. Quite unusual style for the uk.
this is great, very jealous!

I've got a peace lily that is getting too big for its pot. Now all I need is a 3ft, square, shallow tank... and somewhere to put it 🙄