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My second go at a planted tank a lot bigger this time

The other half needing to do some walking today so perfect excuse to go for a walk round LFS see what I did there there was a gap in the middle of tank that annoyed me so picked up a plant for there and some faster growing ones for rear to help consume the nutrients ect also picked up 12 black neon tetra to go with the cardinals and add some contrast.



I think that fills that gap nicely

Some pics of the neons
c762dd93aa952e4fc33587342b3f1509.jpg can also see some fast growing green plants that have been added right at back

And some extra plants visible to right here

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Nice big 50% waterchange done today a little tidy up be rude not to take some pics

Taken on the 16th

Taken today 4 days later the growth







Them red plants I find absolutely stunning

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Had a bit of a move round of plants and added a few more looking nice and full now


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This seems to of happened case of it growing out now baead6fb782476f2dda6dcceefce8c13.jpg

Gave them all a feed after

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I didn't like the odd piece of wood over to the left so had to move that looks much better now I think also altered the angle of powerheads so valis now sits up instead of being blown to one side


200L waterchange done , filter floss replaced sit and enjoy for remainder of the day

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Things are still growing away at a very rapid rate and looking healthy and currently no sign of any algae





I also cant seem to get any nitrate reading I've upped the Ei dose and been feeding heavy so looks like the plants are just munching through it.


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Hi all,It might be the test kit. This is partially why I don't like basing decisions on test kit results.

Just look at the plants, they are a healthy dark green and growing pretty well, so all is good.

cheers Darrel
Strange thing is if I test water from the tap i get a nitrate reading so presume the plants are using it and yes they all look healthy so will just leave it be

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Hi all,
i get a nitrate reading so presume the plants are using it
Probably the plants. One of the things I've found, from people who don't keep planted tanks, is that the ability of plants to take up nutrients is often vastly under-estimated.

You can get problems with other mono-valent anions (ions with one charge, like chloride Cl-) interfering with the test results, but you need quite high concentrations of them normally for this to be an issue.

cheers Darrel
Hi all, Probably the plants. One of the things I've found, from people who don't keep planted tanks, is that the ability of plants to take up nutrients is often vastly under-estimated.

You can get problems with other mono-valent anions (ions with one charge, like chloride Cl-) interfering with the test results, but you need quite high concentrations of them normally for this to be an issue.

cheers Darrel
Yes it is shocking in a marine it was a battle to keep 0 nitrates and here I am trying to keep some in the water totally different ball game

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Totally jealous... your tank is looking stunning
Thanks it's getting there and growing out well

The difference 6 days make

26 October

1st November

Seems I'm more green fingered then I thought also been managing to keep household plants alive as well by now I would of normally killed them even treated myself to a Bonsai tree a few months back and that's still alive with new shoots ect

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Hi all,
Yes it is shocking in a marine it was a battle to keep 0 nitrates and here I am trying to keep some in the water
I've not kept marines, but I can see it would be much more difficult with marine tanks. You can still use plants like <"Chaetomorpha"> and or an algal scrubber, but being algae they don't have roots that act in the same way that those of a vascular plant would.

The only true vascular plants available are sea grasses like Posidonia & Zostera or mangroves like <"Rhizophora mangle">, and I know that people have been experimenting with these.

(from <"High Nitrate">).

I hope people <"try algae"> actually in the tanks as well (as well as coralline algae).

cheers Darrel
Hi all, I've not kept marines, but I can see it would be much more difficult with marine tanks. You can still use plants like <"Chaetomorpha"> and or an algal scrubber, but being algae they don't have roots that act in the same way that those of a vascular plant would.

The only true vascular plants available are sea grasses like Posidonia & Zostera or mangroves like <"Rhizophora mangle">, and I know that people have been experimenting with these.

(from <"High Nitrate">).

I hope people <"try algae"> actually in the tanks as well (as well as coralline algae).

cheers Darrel
In marine people tend not to add alage to the display tank due to how it can take over a tank. I use to grow chaeto in my sump and only time I put any in my tank was when I was thinning it out and gave the tangs in there a treat they would inhale it so was also a good natural food for them

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Thanks the purigen helps with the clarity

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I’ve heard of it before but I’ve only just read into it now and I’ve been deciding on how to change the juwel biofow compact that I’m using as the standard filter set up is awful.
I think I’m going to give this a try!