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My Pics - Always in development


3 Nov 2015
The Netherlands
Final full tank shot:


Title: Juwel Lido 120 - always in development
Dimensions: 61x41x58
CO2: pressurised - 70 bpm
Filtration: Bioflow 3.0 M - 500 l/u
Lights: 2 x 24W T5 438mm HiLite
Photo Period: 12.00 - 20.00
Fertilisation: EI
Substrate: black gravel
Hardscape: lava rock and 2 pieces driftwoord
- Rotala sp green
- Pogostemon erectus
- Rotala rotundifolia
- Staurogyne repens
- Alternanthera reineckii mini
- Ammania sp. bonsai
- hottonia inflata
- Anubias Nana mini
- Microsorum pteropus Mini
- Hemianthus Callitrichoides

add info: my first tank ever...
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Hi dear friend,

Any news of a tank? I Was liking a lot this ideas.

Hope to hear from you.

Big hug
Hi dear friend,

Any news of a tank? I Was liking a lot this ideas.

Hope to hear from you.

Big hug
Hello mr. Paulo

I've a journal but it is not in english because it's not my native language. It would take some time to translate but I will post it.
So when the journal starts I will give you a message. :thumbup:
greetz, Cor
This is a small overvieuw journal.
It's about a nano I've starded 8 months ago and like to share it on request.

Time for a new scape. Small one this time. It's not an low-tech; this will be a low-cost tank 🙂 All the hardware is used before or it's old stuff I've stored in boxes.

This time I'll try to achive a nano stemplant scape. Thinking about Rotala rotundifolia, Rotala green, Rotala H'ra and some Eleocharis sp. mini. So I have 4 species for 40cm.
Plants I'll buy from local webshops and in the windowshell I've some Eleocharis I could use. Gonna use ADA soil beqause there is some leftover. No additives beneath the soil and for fertilasion I'm gonna use dry saltz.
Co2 will be second hand Dennerele regulator and also I have a used Scapers Flow. Light will be a Chinese knock-off.

First problem occured. The LED won't fit on the tank. Beqause the HOB filter takes all the space. So I've fixed a diy bracket to lift the LED. Made it from acrylic and it's working fine
Plants arrived but the quality was not perfect. Lots of damaged leaves but still have to managed to make something nice from it. The hardst part was to place the elcocharis in the soil. It's no powder version of soil so plants get uprooted all the time. Took me ages to complete. When finished I've fill the tank, connect the CO2, the filter, heater and the RGB lights on 40%. Hope for the best


The first WC was a mess. I've created to much flow so the eleocharis were uprooted. Again. So my advice: never only use regulair soil, only the powder. For stemplants it's fine but for smal carpetingplant is an disaster. Next time I will do the WC by leveling by gravity using a bucket. Not satified about the flow and I've cleaned the filter again. For now the flow is great. Lights period is now for 6 hours and increasing every week 30 min.


to be continued...
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The rotala sp 'green' already reached the surface: 30% growed in one week. So it's time for fist trim. Also noticed the first new growt on rotala rotundifolia: new green stems. Eleocharis was emersed version so it's adapting now very slowely in its transformation to emersed. Not sure it's gonne make it...

The plants are adapted to underwater for so the leaves are disintegrating and falling off. (looks like autumn) I'm trying manually to remove old leaves. Eleocharis looks like a mess, lots of melting
But I've got some Stuarogene that about to trim, think I'm gonna use it. Lights on 60%, CO2 about 30+ ppm


Put some livestock in it: Crossocheilus oblongus to fight some algae but unfortunately they uprooting my plants... Did some little pruning and placed some tops in the soil.
I'm not happy about my glass diffuser: makes lots of noise and bubbles are to big. So I've got a practical tip from a UKAPS friend and he advised me a 'neo mini'. Still thankful for that :thumbup:
I've took out the fish and put some amano's in it. Got a 1.2 drop, so thats fine. See some yellow leaves so I gonna do some more Fe. RGB lights are 90%
Today the first big trim. But I realised the first pruning was way too high...So I'm gonna end up with long stems without leaves.
Hoping it will be covered by the height of the Eleocharis and Staurogene. Time will tell and lesson learned.

Got some nasty bugs in my tank and doing some research how to get rid of them. Try to catch them with some vegetable but there are to many of them. Looks like an invasion.
Plants are doing nice do. Good growth, no algae and the plant are growing more dense over time. So far so good.

Last week I've put the lights on 100% and dosed more Fe in a attempt to get red plants and thats working nicely. But more light is more growth so already a new big trim

This is the last pic for this moment. I'm happy about the results and it was a very useful learning curve for me. Thinking seriously about a new scape, so in 3 months I'll take the final pics of this little tank and will post it in this litlle topic.


Thanks for reading :wave:
Hey Cor, how are you doing?! Would you mind to share the setup of your last tank, which I believe that uses a Chihiro RGB30?! I mean, the measurements of the tank and all equipments that you use 🙂

Thanks and congrats on the tanks!
Hey Fabio, as requested:

Aquarium: 40x25x25cm = 24 liter
Light: Chihiros RGB-30
Time: 8 hours
Filter: Dennerle Scapers flow
CO2: Dennerle Primus
Diffuser: Aquario neo mini
CO2 level: 30 ppm
Ferts: ADA
Hardscape: Lava Rock
Substrate: ADA Amazonia
Plants: Rotala sp geen - Rotala rotundifolia - Rotala H'ra - Staurogene repens - Eleocharis mini

greets Cor :thumbup:
Hey Fabio, as requested:

Aquarium: 40x25x25cm = 24 liter
Light: Chihiros RGB-30
Time: 8 hours
Filter: Dennerle Scapers flow
CO2: Dennerle Primus
Diffuser: Aquario neo mini
CO2 level: 30 ppm
Ferts: ADA
Hardscape: Lava Rock
Substrate: ADA Amazonia
Plants: Rotala sp geen - Rotala rotundifolia - Rotala H'ra - Staurogene repens - Eleocharis mini

greets Cor :thumbup:

Thanks for the detailed answer, just received my Chihiros RGB30 and was extremely suspicious about it's performance. I guess I will have plenty power to run a 35x22x25 tank with any plants I wish.

Best regards from Brazil and thanks again!
Thanks for the detailed answer, just received my Chihiros RGB30 and was extremely suspicious about it's performance. I guess I will have plenty power to run a 35x22x25 tank with any plants I wish.

Best regards from Brazil and thanks again!
Good luck with the set-up and keep an eye on the CO2 levels:thumbup:
regards from Holland, Cor