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My Pics - Always in development

Ok so I am now suffering from repens envy.

More seriously, it's a great scape. I am looking forward to seeing updates.
And final pic. Scape is complete and finished.
I think it's a shrimp paradise :thumbup:

Tank Size: 40x25x25
Volume: 25 liter
Background: Black cardboard
Lighting: Chihiros RGB
Filtration: Scapers Flow (360 l/h)
CO2: 15 ppm 24/7
Ferts: DIY EI
Plants: Riccardia Chamedryfolia - Fissidens sp Fox - Bolbitis Heteroclita Difformis - Bucephalandra Mini Coin

Fish/Animals: red rili shrimps
Materials: Driftwood and gravel

wow that's a lot of moss! certainly is a shrimp haven, interesting wee tank mate
(development in progress) My DIY DOOA project.
For me the original brand is way too expensive, so I've made my own.
Plants and moss are doing fine. Now takes some time to grow. It's about 2 months old now.
In time I 'll add some more plants and some hardscape
