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My First Planted Tank (The End) Juwel Rio 125

Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

sorry LD I'll say it first female threadfin rainbow fish.
Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

George Farmer said:
Superb mate. The narrow fern is turning into a perfect focal point.
Many thanks George, loving the ferns also. 🙂

andyh said:
Paulo, whats the yellow fish above the spray bar?
Its a threadfin rainbow that has gone a little deformed after I dropped some EasyCarbo on it 🙁

Krish's Bettas said:
sorry LD I'll say it first female threadfin rainbow fish.
It's actually a male, just not in a great state, see above! I don't think it will survive much longer.

George Farmer said:
I look forward to the video!

The video can be found here:

Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

[/quote]It's actually a male, just not in a great state, see above! I don't think it will survive much longer.
Oh sorry about i thought the yellow ones with short fins where females.
Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

Krish's Bettas said:
Oh sorry about i thought the yellow ones with short fins where females
Normally yes, that one is a deformed male, after I was dosing some EC and it decided to swim right under it 🙁
Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

sanj said:
Mr Dragon, I love that video could watch it over and over. Are they better quality on vimeo, mine lose quality on youtube.
So peaceful looking. What temp are you keeping the threadfins at?

Thanks sanj, I will swap it for your tank haha

Yes vimeo is much better as you can upload the HD movie and it won't loose any quality 😉

I keep the threadfins at around 26ºC.
Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

Many thanks George, feedback appreciated 🙂
Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

So Paulo, I finally took the plunge and got some of these wonderful threadfins after admiring yours for ages. I got 4 males and 2 females to start me off. Putting them in my new tank "Nano Tor", any top tips?

Will post video/pics later

Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

andyh said:
So Paulo, I finally took the plunge and got some of these wonderful threadfins after admiring yours for ages. I got 4 males and 2 females to start me off. Putting them in my new tank "Nano Tor", any top tips?

Will post video/pics later


You won't be disappointed with them 😉 they are really hardy fish and don't need much care to be honest, just regular feeding 😉 Just a word of warning, when I first got them I still had a little bit of Easycarbo and was dosing it to the tank and they seem very sensitive to it, when I was dosing the tank one day one swam under the EC as it dropped in the tank and the fish dived straight to the substrate and did not recover from that.

Other than that they are very peaceful fish and very graceful to watch, good luck with them 😉
Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

hi, i'm thinking of possibly getting some threadfins for my 40l, how many would you suggest in a tank that size with just chery shrimp and otto's, and what male/ female ratio? also, i don't seem to be able to find females anywhere, do you have to get them from the internet, or could i ask my local MA to get some in? and are they easy to breed?

sorry for nicking your thread. 😳

BTW, the tank looks great. i also looked at the video of your 12l with cherry shrimp in. how do you fit so many in a 12l? :geek:
Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

I love it! I would almost be tempted to cut down the carpet and make is shorter, but I love the wild look of it as well!!! Amazing tank!!!!
Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

pest control said:
hi, i'm thinking of possibly getting some threadfins for my 40l, how many would you suggest in a tank that size with just chery shrimp and otto's, and what male/ female ratio? also, i don't seem to be able to find females anywhere, do you have to get them from the internet, or could i ask my local MA to get some in? and are they easy to breed?
A tank that size I would say no more than 3 or 4 threadfins, its always best to have more females than males or at least an equal amount, the males are prettier though, reason you see them on sale and not the females, as the females do not have the long fins. I purchased them at my LFS Living Waters, not sure where you can get them online as I do not buy fish online, only invertebrates.

pest control said:
BTW, the tank looks great. i also looked at the video of your 12l with cherry shrimp in. how do you fit so many in a 12l? :geek:
Provided the tank is full of mosses, it gives them a large area to attach themselves to and roam about, also cherries are hardy shrimp and don't need a lot to breed like rabbits!!

oliverar said:
I love it! I would almost be tempted to cut down the carpet and make is shorter, but I love the wild look of it as well!!! Amazing tank!!!!
Many thanks 🙂 I have shorten the carpet since the last photo, but I am considering removing it all together and have an open front tank with sand and get some corries.
Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

Arana said:
Wow this has changed a lot since the last time i saw it (about 2 years i reakon) fantastic work mate, love it :clap:

Many thanks mate, it sure as been a rollercoaster, good to see you back 😉 hope all is well mate, join us on the 4th
Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1

Arana said:
Ha! Just down the road, I'm there baby...can't wait :thumbup:
The more the merrier 🙂 look forward to seeing you there