Cheers Steve, got that at the last minute together with some plants, had to make the trip worth while for everyone 😉SteveUK said:Looks good matey! 🙂 Didn't see you buy that!
SteveUK said:Out of interest, what are/is the plastic looking stacks of stuff in the middle of that pic? Inbetween the Easycarbo and your dry salts?
re_kon3 said:Hi,
Awesome setup you have there!!
Do you mind me asking where in London you get your FE refilled? I'm thinking of getting a 5KG but want to first ensure I have somewhere to refill it, I did a bit of calling around to find someone to do my JBL 500g and nobody was up for it in North/East London area. I'm getting ripped off £16 every 4/5 weeks to swap the JBL around with a full one.
LondonDragon said:Thanks Tim, the 2Kg you see there was purchased from Dan Crawford, one of the forums members, he has now stopped selling them for a while so the latest I purchased was a 5kg for £25+Del on ebay. JBL are a rip off thats for sure 😉
BTW don't forget to join us at the London Fish Keeping Club, cheers.
They also sell 2Kg for £15+Del, so the choice is yours really, a 5Kg is much taller than a 2Kg all depends if you have the space for a 5Kg or how big is the tank. A 5kg FE on my Rio 125 lasts about 10 months, with the new Aquamedic 1000 Reactor I would expect that to last much longer now.re_kon3 said:Cool thanks,
The light just flicked on... 😀
It now makes sense, judging by the refill prices floating around for a 2KG, to simply buy another 5KG when this one finishes. Still works out cheaper than refilling a 2KG, which seems to be near impossible anyway.
.Initially got 5 pairs of threadfins, two die (one CO2 over dose, the other Easy Carbo issue), two weeks ago went back to Living Waters and they are some nice one these so I was going to purchase another 5 pairs, but my bag of fish was taken from the counter 🙁 lucky enough CCTV and a phone call to the customer the store managed to get them back, so last Sunday I went there to pick them up, stunning fish
Thanks mate, btw there is another meeting on the 22nd May, this time at my place! The spare bedroom is still available 😉 the little ones miss Tio Steve hahaSteveUK said:Good to hear removing the bio balls from the reactor has made a difference matey. I can honestly say that this tank is frickin' awesome in the flesh. I had the pleasure of sitting and watching it over the weekend when Paulo very kindly put me up for the night after the LFKC meet up on Saturday 🙂
I am not fussed about shoaling fish, tank is small anyway and they seem to hang around in a group, I also have 18 in the tank now 🙂 beautiful fish, would not change them for anything else.gzylo said:Hi
I have 18 threadfin rainbows in my tank and, yesterday i sped 2.5hrs to catch them and I managed only to catch one 🙂. Really need to change them to something shoaling 🙂 Do like they looks like but nothing more 🙂
No worries mate, there is always one every month 😉SteveUK said:Don't think I'd be able to make that one mate. That's the weekend right after my birthday (20th) so will probably be staying at my Sisters.
I'll PM you a mug shot to print out so the little'uns don't miss me too muchhaha!