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My First Planted Tank (The End) Juwel Rio 125

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks everyone for the lovely comments, still not very happy with the photography, camera is playing up a little, guess I have taken way too many shots, might take it to the shop to see if there is something wrong with it, if so then I will upgrade to one of the new Sony Alpha series to keep the lenses.

George Farmer said:
Interesting choice on the betta...
Tank looks great, as usual.
Glosso carpet may need re-planting soon to prevent excess die-off in lower layers. Now you see the potential issue with glosso - it's a brute...
HC is a nice lower maint alternative. Mixing HC with other broader leaved lower plants (downoi, Staurogyne etc.) works very well and provides a smoother transition to your midground.
Super shot of the rainbow.
Keep it up mate. Superb journal.

Thanks George, the rainbow was the missus that brought it home one weekend she went past the fish store, she loves them and brought that one so can't really take it back to the store now, its doing well though and gives a nice touch of colour. Loves chasing the Rainbows about but they don't pay much attention to it.

I am trying prunning back the glosso as much as I can to see if it will grow properly, much about this hobbie is trying things out so giving that a go first and see how it does before I have to uproot it and replant it, never had much luck with HC, I have a bit in the left hand corner which is now completly coveres by the glosso, it never really took off in my tank. But I like your other suggestions and something to try out in the future for sure, I am hoping I can get a larger tank to try out new layouts and plants.

Again thanks guys 🙂
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

LondonDragon said:
Thanks everyone for the lovely comments, still not very happy with the photography......
I love this comment. Most would be chuffed to pieces to take photos like that, me included.

Sony's DSLRs are nice. Awesome features for the £££.

LondonDragon said:
Thanks George, the rainbow was the missus that brought it home one weekend she went past the fish store...
Do you mean the betta?
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

George Farmer said:
Do you mean the betta?
Yes the Betta sorry hehehe 😉

The photography I just think there is plenty of room for improvement thats all 😉
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Not looked at this journal for a while and I have to say I was very surprised when I saw the pics on the previous page. Very impressive tank. Looks like you have become an expert in the time since I last read. Very jealous. lol

Keep it up matey.

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks Andy 😉

George I hope I can improve on them, just had a look and the Sony Aplha 350, and its looking like my next purchase, have to see if its worth getting the Alpha 700, might get it in July 🙂
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

LondonDragon said:
just had a look and the Sony Aplha 350, and its looking like my next purchase, have to see if its worth getting the Alpha 700,

depending on what degree you want to take your photography too. you need to determine wether the 700 will give you that extra rather than tha 350 would give you.what i mean is.
if the 350 offers everything you want, then get that and invest more into the glass! 😀

it looks to me that sony have a MUCH better range of lenses over sigma actualy. theres some good bits of kit there!

http://www.warehouseexpress.com/categor ... &brand=230

ever considered canon?
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

saintly said:
ever considered canon?
Thanks, reason for the Sony is that I have a Minolta at the moment so I would be able to use all my lenses on it, problem is I have a long zoom 400mm and I like that for wildlife photography, changing all together now would mean getting all new lenses!
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Hi Love the tank and the plant set up. Very tidy.
Is it just me or can anyone else see a sorta "Donny Darko" type wabbit in the form of the large rock. I'm gettin spooked everytime I see it now :shock: :?
Thanks, still needs a lot to sort out yet, like a better transition between carpet and stems, working on it now 😉
And I think you have been watching too many movies! hahaha 😉

Found this photo that was taken back in 2002, this was the reason I brought my Rio 125, this large goldfish. As you can see I had some plants on it that the local LFS had, they kept dying though, no ferts and no CO2, didn't know anything back then. LFS made a fortune out of me on plants! One that has survided all these years in the tank is the Lilly.


Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Hey an old school picture with a goldfish, thats the same reason i got into this fishkeeping thing, started cold water, then tropical, had a break for about 7 yrs and now im gonna crazy on the planted scene, it seems weird that even though i love fish, that the plants are taking over :lol: whats happenin to me!!
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Any new pics LD, would love to see how its gettin on!!
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

tko187 said:
Any new pics LD, would love to see how its gettin on!!
Been too lazy today to take photos, did a water change and prunned the plants.
Will take some tomorrow if not too lazy, not much as changed though.
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Just some photos of the tank, the L. Aromatica is growing pretty nicely, I think I am going to move things around and plant it to fill that left hand corner completly. and maybe move the anubias which are behind it to the front and see how it looks.
Also the Blyxa is looking great, the Skipy moss took a huge trim the other day when I sent out to 4 board members now needs to grow back again, still plenty there though. The Lilly is shooting new leaves on a daily basis at the moment.

Over the past 2 weeks I have been running 6x24w T5 on this tank just to see how it reacts to high levels of light, I have increased the CO2 slightly and also the ferts to cope with the extra light. So far I am seeing great results, specially from the L. Aromatica and the Glosso is growing ever more compact afer the trim I gave it a couple of weeks ago.

Some photos:



Critics and comments always welcomed, thanks for looking 🙂
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

DAMN 😱 😱 😱 😱 That looks so good i feel like eating it!!!

How do your corys like the glosso?? just wondering cos i heard they like sand?
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125


I love this tank, it's kind of what I'd like mine to look like but on a smaller scale (although having a few algae problems right now 🙁 with mine).
