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My first aquarium, running for 7 months

Snail invasion indicates that they've got a lot to eat. Think about it.
Utterly awesome and beautiful 175G Aquarium.
Lovely clear water and a nice aquascape. I'm well jealous!!
Big tanks are amazing and that one looks great.
They are, but maintenance is pain in the ass

Utterly awesome and beautiful 175G Aquarium.
Lovely clear water and a nice aquascape. I'm well jealous!!
Actually it is around 200 😀

Looks totally great and awe-inspiring - only thing that bugs me is that pesky bright gray magnet cleaner 🙂

Totaly agree 😀 but I need very often because algae grows on glass because of high intensity light
Hi @nijat11 - what lights do you have there? I have the Fluval Plant 3.0 and can never get that 'clean white' effect that your aquarium exudes - despite how I configure the lights.

As a result, I thought it was time to ask how that is achieved and whether I have the wrong lights!
Hi @nijat11 - what lights do you have there? I have the Fluval Plant 3.0 and can never get that 'clean white' effect that your aquarium exudes - despite how I configure the lights.

As a result, I thought it was time to ask how that is achieved and whether I have the wrong lights!
It is 2x Aquatlantis Easy Led 2.0 1450 and one Dennerle Trocal Led 160
I cannot imagine doing such a large tank without any experience! It's obvious you've put the time in to do your research and the maintenance - looks great!
Yes, did a lot of research, but also got a lot of misleading information. Than I came to this forum and thanks to members of this forum, I learned a lot!
Yes, did a lot of research, but also got a lot of misleading information. Than I came to this forum and thanks to members of this forum, I learned a lot!
Oof, I feel you there. TBF, fish keeping in general has a long history of radically changing its mind about stuff and planted tanks in particular have come a long way as a hobby in just a couple decades. A lot of outdated information is still floating around out there. There are definitely practices that we all do now that will seem hilariously futile in 10 years, we just don't know what they are yet.

And there are multiple paths to a successful tank (and many definitions of what a "successful tank" even is), so sometimes different pieces good advice can conflict depending on context. I believe we can learn as much from people who take a totally different approach as we can from people who have a similar mindset, but it takes a while to sort out what is a different way of doing things and what is just misguided nonsense. Often it's a combination of both!
Someone was asking what is secret of clear water. Here is your answer, sponges!


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I am somewhat in love with sponges! 😀
Don't wash to much of the good stuff away @nijat11 ! 🙂