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My first adventure into aquascaping - Aquael 125L Walstad

You added Otos a short time ago, right? Any oto that dies within the month of purchase is usually due to the whole catching-selling-traveling thing. They come into stores absolutely wrecked.

Other than that, the tank looks great. With any walstad, in my limited experience, less is usually more. When it comes to plants, avoid at all costs cutting or trimming large amounts at a time. It's the equivalent to squeezing a filter sponge too much, they keep the thing healthy. Your fish are breeding, si it's a healthy environment for sure!
Thank you for the encouragement. 🙂 Yes I've had 6 of them about 4 weeks.
Suggests that you might be over feeding your fish.
Yeah I get that, it's a little tricky with the otos, corys and intentional snails as they are grazers and I don't want them to starve, but I'm trying to dial it back to the point where food is gone by the next morning.
Yeah I get that, it's a little tricky with the otos, corys and intentional snails as they are grazers and I don't want them to starve, but I'm trying to dial it back to the point where food is gone by the next morning.
I think that’s where you’re going wrong. Feed for the fish only. The snails are part of the clean up crew and will eat biofilm and algae off the glass and leaves. If you feed with the aim of it all being gone by the next day, the snails will have a field day and continue to multiply. The population will manage itself when you reduce food.
I think that’s where you’re going wrong. Feed for the fish only. The snails are part of the clean up crew and will eat biofilm and algae off the glass and leaves. If you feed with the aim of it all being gone by the next day, the snails will have a field day and continue to multiply. The population will manage itself when you reduce food.
I have 11 otocinclus and 9 corys who need supplemental feeding so it's not possible to expect them to eat their fill in just a few minutes as I can with the gourami or CPDs. I don't know whether when it comes down to it they'll be able to out compete the snails for food on their own or not.
Anyways, I might be wrong here, but I try not to remove snails. They multiply because there's too much food. Leave them be so they can sort it out. It might be unseemly, but it'll pass. As for the euthanasia part... I might be cold, but it's a snail, bash it with something hard.

I only feed my otos once a week or two, the way I keep the level of algae high is just more light, and botanicals, leaves and such for biofilm formation. If I start to notice them deflating, I might start being more diligent about it, but does not usually happen unless I leave the tank unattended for more than a week.
A small update - my three CPD fry have been doing well so we released one last week into the main tank. It has been doing well so we released the second two today. We've raised them on liquifry, artemia and whatever creatures they found in the moss in the breeder box.
So update I continue to have a ramshorn snail problem. When we went away over Easter we left the fish with no food but still came back to a noticeably more out on control population on snails. We've fed the fish very lightly all week and I think the ramshorn have started eating healthy salvinia in response.

I'm kind of at a loss of what to do. My current thinking is I re-home the panther snails and get some assassin snails to hopefully bring things back into balance.

Any advice from others who have had ramshorn populations in their tanks?
Hi all,
... We've fed the fish very lightly all week and I think the ramshorn have started eating healthy salvinia in response.

I'm kind of at a loss of what to do. My current thinking is I re-home the panther snails and get some assassin snails to hopefully bring things back into balance.....
Just put some cucumber in an aquarium net, and leave it for a couple of hours and then remove the snails. Rinse and repeat until you have a level of snails you are happy with.

Cheers Darrel
After a busy summer I think my journal is due an update!

As you can see from the photo, the tank is currently very overgrown and the vallisneria is taking over somewhat, so I'm overdue some tank maintenance. (Though I'm sure the fish love it!).

I think I've now lost my remaining cherry shrimp - never got to the bottom of why so I won't be getting any more.

My fish however are doing well, apart from a cory who sadly got trapped in the filter (it is a sponge filter so I'm not sure how this happened).

The Ramshorn snails continue to multiply, my partner and I regularly remove hundreds to keep the population under control.

We also have lots of baby black panther snails, some of whom are getting quite large now, which is very exciting!

I've been having trouble with Cladophora algae - so much so I've made a separate post about this to ask for advice -