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My emersed setup

kshitij said:
This is wat i have come up with at last, plants are arriving tomorrow itself.

Any suggestions and comments are welcomed. 😀
You don't need any CO2 pumped in, since the plants are above water they have all the CO2 in the world, literally hehe 😉
thankyou bro but tell me one thing that will installing the co2 increase the plant growth because i want to use this setup for sole purpose of propagation only.
I run mine without CO2 and find most plants hold their own, or grow slowly. Adding CO2 should increase the growth. TGM add CO2 to their emersed set ups and get excellent growth.

I find the whole CO2 in emersed a bit confusing aswell. In a tank you aim for 30 ppm CO2 and it's already aprox 325 ppm in the atmosphere, is it really neccasary to add more as long as the ventilation is adequate? The glosso I've got in a open cube is growing far quicker emersed than it ever did in my tank with CO2 - puzzled T
Hi all,
The growth of many terrestrial plants is also higher at enhanced CO2 levels, depends a little bit upon their photosynthetic pathway (C3 or C4), but Tomato (C3) growers burn propane in their glasshouses to increase CO2 levels up towards a max level of about 1000ppm.
cheers Darrel