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My emersed project

I'm 2 weeks into my first dry start with HC Cuba and hair grass, things seem fine and no adverse affects with Amazonia (so far).
I have read a few times not to use EI water due to burning tho.
What temp do u have inside tank?

I'll stop with the EI water but I have removed the Alternanthera and Arcuata to my main tank and just have the staurogyne in there now, might try some HC and hairgrass next
Thought I would update this a month on ....
I removed some staurogynes from my main tank that had basically died off to stalks and thought I'd see if they would come back to life and they seem to be recovering. Also rescued some Hydrocotyle verticillata and it seems to be producing new leaves aswell. Got a few mosses and other rescued plants in the tank aswell and will see how they recover.

Staurogynes a month on

Hydrocotyle verticillata

Recovering staurogynes
whats your plan once things are fully grown? i've just started a small one to see how good growth I can get, then maybe move them back into the tank.
Not as yet, I am wanting a new optiwhite tank but with a wedding to pay off every month its not easy having the spare £200 for it. I just couldn't wait to start a DSM, so will probably move everything over to the new tank and continue the DSM but with the mosses and yogurt mix going on hardscape and a proper layout and design. Just not sure as to when I can afford the new tank and new filter that will give me x10. I just keep trying to pick up at least one thing each month. Also got a juwel rio 400 on the go and wanting to rescape that with a decent substrate that will also cost me overt £100. Ah ... come on lottery numbers! 😎
Looking good, if you feel you have too much Staurogyne I’d happily swap for some different Hygrophila varieties, Hedyotis salzmannii, Hydrocotyle tripartia and a couple of other miscellaneous stems that I have got growing emersed to add to your collection.
Looking good, if you feel you have too much Staurogyne I’d happily swap for some different Hygrophila varieties, Hedyotis salzmannii, Hydrocotyle tripartia and a couple of other miscellaneous stems that I have got growing emersed to add to your collection.

I might do at some stage but not until after the first trim and they settle in just in case it all goes horribly wrong. Thanks for the offer 🙂
So today I finally decided to 'paint' on the moss/yogurt mix using Fissidens and java moss mixed with 100ml of tank water and a good blob (teaspoon) of yogurt.

First I chopped up the moss with a razor blade

The Yogurt I used containing L. acidophilus

Approx. teaspoon blob of yogurt mixed with 100ml tank water

Tried mixing with hand-held blender but it stopped working on me (she's gonna kill me lol) so had to take the moss out and chop finer by hand

Then I painted on the mixture to my redwood. This isn't scaped as yet, just wanted to get it all growing.
I done my first trim today of the staurogynes and I replanted the tops to fill out the substrate and I'm starting to get some ideas as to what scape I'm going to go with when I fill the tank. I will be adding some rocks to the scape and moving the redmoor into place from where it is now so any ideas are welcome. Here are the latest pics.

Hi murf

How did you find the Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' ? Im wanting to try some emersed any tips or anything you noticed about it ?
Hi murf

How did you find the Alternanthera ineckii 'Mini' ? Im wanting to try some emersed any tips or anything you noticed about it ?

The 1-2 Grow! stuff when first planted seemed to be affected by soil burn I think as some leaves started to die off so I moved them to my main tank and they died there anyway as it isn't maintained properly as a planted tank anymore. I did however replant a couple of back into the emersed set up and they seem to be doing great again. So I would say that I should have just left them alone as they where probably just adjusting to new surroundings, go for it anyway and maybe you will have better luck than me. Other factors that could affect growth is substrate type and light strength. The 1-2 Grow! stuff is great though, got more ordered for tomorrow 😛